2/4/15 4:36 p.m.
Only in Denmark...Seems this very tolerant society has decided that there is enough of a problem with speeding motorists in the cities that they've decided to do something about it. What's that you ask? You would not beleive me if I said. I had to go googling to make sure it wasn't some kinda Onion article. So just click the link. Um, someplace where you could click on a NSFW link and get away with it. These people understand the importance of positive reinforcement, that's all I'm sayin...and if I'm just late to the show and this is a repost, who cares?
2/4/15 4:47 p.m.
I think that it is vital to keep the populace abreast of the situation...
Too many people routinely disregard the law and break speed limits here in the states. As severe as that is, I don't have a problem with it.
Imagine that approach in the US. The public outcry would be insane.
2/4/15 6:27 p.m.
Video is supposedly from 2010, I spent A LOT (1-2 weeks a month) of time in Denmark from 2009-2011 and I never once saw such lovely um, road signs. Methinks this was a staged video.
2/4/15 7:11 p.m.
Speeds will come down but rear end crashes will increase hahaha.
2/4/15 8:11 p.m.
Seems like if it was real, that in the name of equality and all, they'd also have a buncha dudes in Speedos doing the same thing... sadly, I suspect it was a short term experiment at best..
JThw8 wrote:
Video is supposedly from 2010, I spent A LOT (1-2 weeks a month) of time in Denmark from 2009-2011 and I never once saw such lovely um, road signs. Methinks this was a staged video.
i believe that the consensus the last dozen or so times that this has made the rounds is that it was indeed staged..
In reply to JFX001:
Comments like that make you look like a boob.
How cold is Denmark in the winter?
2/5/15 8:55 a.m.
moparman76_69 wrote:
In reply to JFX001:
Comments like that make you look like a boob.
You could be more supportive and uplifting...
2/5/15 8:56 a.m.
914Driver wrote:
How cold is Denmark in the winter?
It can be a tit nippley er, bit nippy. Cold water and night latitude and all that.
Real or not, that was entertaining and worth the look... even a few times more. 
2/5/15 9:54 a.m.
Since people in the US are not comfortable with seeing the human body, perhaps people who speed could just get one of these Danish traffic devices to ride around with them wherever they drive.
2/5/15 11:01 a.m.
In reply to T.J.:
If you get a good one you'll never understand when she is nagging or being supportive.....just err on the side of supportive.