6/6/10 4:00 p.m.
This weekend I have watched at least three drug transactions go down in my immediate area. One in the street in front of my house, two at the apartment building directly behind us. Anybody else have this crap going on? Anything suggested as far as action? Cops say to call them when I see it, but all will be far gone before they get here. I feel like we're on the set of Cops.
I guess you call but the cops won't get there in time. I figure just watch and if it gets violent then you call the cops so you can report what happened.
MOVE! You can't do anything about it, but you can get out of there.
Move is the best advice.. if deals are going down now.. murder and mayhem are around the corner
Yeah, move. I grew up in Detroit. When I was little the neighborhood was great. One big family. Then the trouble started. Crack houses sprang up (I remember waking up to the sounds of a crack house raid), gang shootings started, and general ghetto life. You can't fight it and if you try you will be another statistic. I moved an hour north and we don't even know where our house keys are, every gas station attendant is related to the owner AND they speak English and my neighbors tell me if they saw a groundhog trying to get into our garden.
You have the video equipment available to you.....make a "documentary" for the po-po.
Invite the Mormons and bible pushers to the drug houses? Let god and the devil fight it out on your street!
JB has the answer once again....we're saved....oh wait...
6/6/10 6:22 p.m.
Yeah,the camera equipment goes up this week, and we do plan on moving. In the mean time I guess we keep a low profile. The Makarov is close by.
JFX001 wrote:
You have the video equipment available to you.....make a "documentary" for the po-po.
just be damned sure you don't accidently film the po-po when they arrive ...
Just be glad they're not kicking in doors while people are at work. We had four in two weeks in my area a while back.
New Reader
6/6/10 7:26 p.m.
If you need to create a timeframe to move you can "do your part" by just reporting dates, times and license plates. If there is a drug taskforce get their number and call them directly to get around police interference. It can all be anonymous. We had to do that for a while where I am. It didn't seem like much was getting done, but when the raids started happening I knew we helped. Our neighborhood is MUCH quieter now. If you show interest the cops will show interest.
In reply to jrg77:
If more than 2 or 3 gather you can call the cops and tell them you heard gunshots and then watch the show. Might want to call from a pay phone though. Good luck with them.
Man puts webcam in his apartment window, on a busy corner in the tenderloin. You could go to his site and watch drug deals, robberies, etc. People even started calling in crimes they saw.
wbjones wrote:
just be damned sure you don't accidently film the po-po when they arrive ...
Damn right. Thats a felony in some states. 
Spinout007 wrote:
JB has the answer once again....we're saved....oh wait...
There is actually a story behind my "joke".
In the east side of Lansing there was a decent neighborhood that went to crap and was eventually filled with three "owners" and 30 or so rentals/crack houses. I lump the two together not because renters are crackheads but the landlords were often terrible scoundrels never maintaining or updating their investments. A young family purchased a house on the block and started renovations. They were burglarized multiple times and were at wits end with the problem. They talked to a member of their church who came up with a plan to help them in their time of need. The church was not in their neighborhood, the couple drove to the town they used to live in on the south side of Lansing to go to church.
The members of the church systematically started a neighborhood watch photographing, videotaping and logging all the illegal activities in the neighborhood. The renters interested in protecting their properties joined in and the community grew stronger. As the community cleaned up more people started buying homes and investing in the community. As of today the community is known for its beautiful lawns and great people.
I know residents of the neighborhood and many of them drive the 10 or so miles to the little church in Holt to pay respect to the people who helped them save a special part of the city.
Try this:
Hide in a bush by where the dealer hangs out, then when a deal is made, quietly reach out and grab the perp round the neck and pull him back into the bushes to have a chat. Explain to him how it would be in his best interest to vacate the area and not return. The shallow slice in his neck from the K-Bar will be good incentive. 
porksboy wrote:
Try this:
Hide in a bush by where the dealer hangs out, then when a deal is made, quietly reach out and grab the perp round the neck and pull him back into the bushes to have a chat. Explain to him how it would be in his best interest to vacate the area and not return. The shallow slice in his neck from the K-Bar will be good incentive.
Oh man you should just shoot em.
Cops are more motivated to find you if you shoot or kill them. If you scare the E36 M3 out of them they dont wanna tell the cops, if they do the cops have better things to do.
If this happened in my front yard i would exercise the Triple S method, shoot, shovel, and shut up. But i live in rural Georgia and have a VERY expansive front yard and its not exactly a great place to trade pharmaceuticals. That said around here we have have our problems with Meth Labs. Its not that bad in my area yet and i hope it stays that way but they are out there. We actually had one pop up on some timber land my family owns within 2 miles of my house.
The best defense if you own land is to curse it every so often and let others hunt it or lease the hunting rights to someone. This gives you some security and a presence on your land. They monitor it passively and other people see that your land may not be the best place for a lab.
don't really know what this has to do with your problem though sorry. 
joey48442 wrote:
porksboy wrote:
Try this:
Hide in a bush by where the dealer hangs out, then when a deal is made, quietly reach out and grab the perp round the neck and pull him back into the bushes to have a chat. Explain to him how it would be in his best interest to vacate the area and not return. The shallow slice in his neck from the K-Bar will be good incentive.
Oh man you should just shoot em.
Without Remorse was a good book after all.
We used to have this in my neighborhood a lot. Calling the cops really helps.
Even if you know the deal will be long over by the time the cops get there...there are benefits. For one, the dealers and customers see the cops rolling around and think of other places to do their deals. Another is that the cops will eventually be able to justify stepping up patrolling that area.
Our town (it's a small town, this may not work everywhere) sent a cop to one of our little "block gatherings" and told us what we could do to help make things better. Calling when we thought something underhanded was going on was at the top of the list. Don't feel like you're bothering the cops calling them all the time...that's their job, and calling them is yours.
You guys do realize that if he takes pics or video you can figure out where the camera is by looking at the pic don't you?
The accused has the right to examine the evidence against him/her so a midnight raid on the guy taking the pics is the next step.
6/6/10 10:08 p.m.
Seen drug deals happen right in front of me. Seen them happen out of my dorm window, seen them happen at work, seen them happen in my secluded spot where I go fishing.
Don't bother them, they won't bother you. Get out as soon as you can, but don't make a deal about it. After you are out, make an anonymous call.
Thats my own personal opinion. Of course, I'm of the opinion that Mary Jane should be legal, so I'm a little skewed. I've never seen (what I knew was) a deal for anything harder, if I had, I'm sure that I would have a different opinion.