I don't have much to add since you all have great taste in shows, except I'll add the following:
Top Gear
Gumball Rally
Cannonball Series
Smokey and the Bandit Series
Ghost in the Shell
Ninja Scroll
Space Battleship Yamato (Star Blazers)
Cowboy Bebop
Demon City Shinjuku
Looney Tunes Collection
Lethal Weapon Series
Die Hard Series
Anything with Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan and Jet Li
What's wrong with you guys?
Thunderbolt & Lightfoot
Vanishing Point
Two-Lane Blacktop
American Graffiti
The Hollywood Knights
Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels
The Blues Brothers
Hey, we can't be expected to remember everything!
Trans_Maro wrote:
What's wrong with you guys?
Thunderbolt & Lightfoot
Vanishing Point
Two-Lane Blacktop
American Graffiti
The Hollywood Knights
Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels
The Blues Brothers
Oh heck yeah. Here is what I have on constant rotation:
two lane blacktop
firefly (and of course Serenity)
a few good men
identity (absolutely brilliant)
eternal sunshine of the spotless mind
hard candy
american graffiti
family guy
gone in 60 seconds (the original because its better, and the new one because it has Angelina in it.)
Rocky box set
Indiana Jones box set
Usual suspects
Devil's Advocate (pretty poor direction, but the writing is insanely awesome.)
Star Trek movie box set
Star Wars trilogy (only 4-6... I think the 1-3 episodes suck more than a Hoover.)
Zeitgeist, both the original and the sequel
Vacation; all of them, but especially Christmas and the original. That was back when Lampoon had taste.
Stranger than Fiction. Seriously... Emma Thompson, Will Farell, and Queen Latifah in the same gritty script.
Big Lebowski
I'm sure I could think of a few hundred more, but that's what comes to mind first.
6/4/09 1:29 a.m.
Law and Order (that should keep you busy for a while)
The Honeymooners
The A Team
The Dukes of Hazzard
Many good suggestions, so far.
Fawlty Towers? I've seen it so many times on PBS that I have the dialog nearly memorized. Dr. Who? I've seen some of the older Drs and a few of the newer episodes....I'll definitely add that to my list.
Keep them coming, but please, NO MOVIES, even if they were parts of trilogies.
New Reader
6/4/09 10:32 p.m.
Wild Wild West (Robert Conrad not Will Smith)
+1001 Band of Brothers
Space: Above and Beyond
Twilight Zone
The Outer Limits
+1 Looney Tunes (non PC versions if you can find them)
New Reader
6/4/09 11:00 p.m.
I keep thinking of more...
Kolchak The Night Stalker
Andy Griffith (B&W shows)
Hill Street Blues
M.A.S.H. (before Alan Alda took over and sucked all the funny out of it)
Sid and Marty Kroft shows (Sigmund the Seamonster, H.R. Puffenstuf, The Bugaloos, Lidsville(?)...they are all like someone filmed an acid trip)
The Real Ghostbusters cartoon
Police Squad
Parker Lewis Can't Lose
Malcom in the Middle
X files
New-ish Superman, Batman and Justice League cartoons
Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Sealab 2021
Quantum Leap
...I've watched waaaay too much TV
No one has mentioned Buffy the Vampire Slayer?
Wonder Years
The Muppet Show
Johnny Carson's Tonight Show
Peter Gunn
Mission Impossible
New Reader
6/4/09 11:43 p.m.
The Prisoner
The Saint
The Avengers
Get Smart
F Troop
Picket Fences
American Gothic
Baa Baa Blacksheep
Twin Peeks (I didn't like it but it has a following)
Kids in the Hall
The Young Ones
Ren and Stimpy
Jericho was surprisingly good.
New Reader
6/5/09 11:51 a.m.
Mad Max, Road Warrior, World's Fastest Indian
Italian Job (the original not the that Hollywood piece of rubbish)
Grand Prix
A Fistful of Dollars/ For A Few Dollars More
James Bond series
The Dukes of Hazzard (the show)
The Boondock Saints
Shawskank Redemption
Another X Files vote. I have to say, I avoid the looooonnnnggg 'Mulder's sister episodes' part like the plague. IIRC that was Seasons 5, 6 and 7. I always liked the 'monster of the week' episodes, though.
Sifl and Ollie (MTV Sock puppet show that was on when I was in college)
TV Mini-series that I've liked:
Noble House
Master of the Game
North and South
I also like the Dean Martin Celebrity Roasts.
I recommend not buying any DVD's unless its old TV shows that were shot on video, stay ahead of the curve and buy Blu-Ray.
New Reader
6/5/09 7:23 p.m.
Night Court
The John Laroquette Show (1st couple of seasons before the plots become sit-com generic)
Freaky Links
Special Unit 2
G vs E
Happy Days (before Scott Baio shows up)
The IT Crowd
New Reader
6/5/09 8:06 p.m.
I think I'm running out of steam...
Good Eats
The Addams Family
The Munsters
Steven King's IT miniseries
The Beverly Hillbillies
Green Acres
Magnum P.I.
Simon and Simon
Salem's Lot
Night Gallery
Trapper John M.D.
The Fall Guy
The Six Million Dollar Man
Cheers (the 1st few seasons at least)
SNL (Belushi, Aykroyd, Murry, Curtain, Chase, Radner, Murphy and Farley are required viewing, the rest have plenty of bright spots...except Charlie Rocket...I never saw him do anything even close to funny)
Now, if you are feeling a little masochistic, try these 3:
The Misfits of Science (not a bad premise but very bad execution)
Ah yes, the Fall Guy. I haven't thought about that show in years. 
24, the Office, The Unit (I still can't believe CBS axed it..bastards!) and Married With Children..