nocones wrote:
Just this morning I was behind a woman in need of a link card. I could tell of her plight and desperation by the fundamental neccesities she purchased from my local quick mart. I was proud of the work my tax dollars did providing her with the sustenance required for life: 2 king sized reeses penut butter cups, a bag of spicy pork rinds, and a 44oz mountain dew. I felt good for the kids.
I haven't had prok rhinds in years. I might fix that tonight.
Ahhhh, the "take a small portion of people and extrapolate their actions to EVERYONE" thread.
I'd ask that you actually do some statistics on usage, average family benefits, etc........but I know it's pointless.
Carry on.
z31maniac wrote:
Ahhhh, the "take a small portion of people and extrapolate their actions to EVERYONE" thread.
I'd ask that you actually do some statistics on usage, average family benefits, etc........but I know it's pointless.
Carry on.
Did you click the link? Click it and then come back and tell us how that is a "small portion of people".
10/15/13 12:06 p.m.
aircooled wrote:
Bobzilla wrote:
...They all knowingly committed theft. Lock them all the berkeley up...
Pretty sure it's a lot cheaper to just keep giving them food stamps. Prison is expensive.
That thinking right THERE is a large part of why we're in this berking mess.
Bobzilla wrote:
z31maniac wrote:
Ahhhh, the "take a small portion of people and extrapolate their actions to EVERYONE" thread.
I'd ask that you actually do some statistics on usage, average family benefits, etc........but I know it's pointless.
Carry on.
Did you click the link? Click it and then come back and tell us how that is a "small portion of people".
No, I read the story earlier though.
And I stand by the "small portion" when you consider ~1/6 of people get some type of food assistance..............or 50 million people.
10/15/13 12:07 p.m.
In reply to Bobzilla:
Well, it is a small portion of people total nationwide........but, this right here proves that there needs to actually be checks on this system. Or as I agreed to earlier, give them food instead of money.....that will whittle down those whom are abusing the system.
10/15/13 12:11 p.m.
Duke wrote:
aircooled wrote:
Bobzilla wrote:
...They all knowingly committed theft. Lock them all the berkeley up...
Pretty sure it's a lot cheaper to just keep giving them food stamps. Prison is expensive.
That thinking *right THERE* is a large part of why we're in this berking mess.
Yep, the sad thing is, that prison is only expensive because of what they HAVE TO provide them......Education, cable, health services, etc. Its bullE36 M3, the prison I worked at had good a/c & heat, state of the art everything, a fracking college, and about every single cable channel sans porn.......and they still rioted and tried to burn the place down. 
Don't even get me started on the "Why was the state paying them 'state pay' every month" rant.....
The thieves should be punished for their crimes. Shouldn't abuse the system that helps them out in time of need.
A buddy of mine receives disability checks for being legally blind. For about a year he was overpaid, unbeknownst to him. When the EDD realized the error they stopped all benefits until the overpayment balance was zeroed. It was rough on him, but it was the proper thing to do.
This is worse because they knowingly abused the system.
Yup. Loooooong winter.....
10/15/13 12:29 p.m.
z31maniac wrote:
Ahhhh, the "take a small portion of people and extrapolate their actions to EVERYONE" thread.
I'd ask that you actually do some statistics on usage, average family benefits, etc........but I know it's pointless.
Carry on.
Might as well throw some numbers from the SNAP site in here:
"Recent studies show that 49% of all SNAP participants are children (age 18 or younger), with almost two-thirds of SNAP children living in single-parent households. In total, 76% of SNAP benefits go towards households with children, 16% go to households with disabled persons, and 9% go to households with senior citizens.
According to demographic data, 43% of SNAP participants are white, 33% are African-American, 19% are Hispanic, 2% are Asian, and 2% are Native American."
Meanwhile in the city I live in:
View Larger Map
See that garden? The whole apartment complex is like that. The area is full of refugees from around the world who have nothing. When the season is right you'll see people picking edible weeds from the sides of the road. When these people needed food they didn't try to find someone to give it to them, they solved their own problem. Damned impressive if you ask me.
slefain wrote:
Might as well throw some numbers from the SNAP site in here:
"Recent studies show that 49% of all SNAP participants are children (age 18 or younger), with almost two-thirds of SNAP children living in single-parent households. In total, 76% of SNAP benefits go towards households with children, 16% go to households with disabled persons, and 9% go to households with senior citizens.
According to demographic data, 43% of SNAP participants are white, 33% are African-American, 19% are Hispanic, 2% are Asian, and 2% are Native American."
Meanwhile in the city I live in:
View Larger Map
See that garden? The whole apartment complex is like that. The area is full of refugees from around the world who have nothing. When the season is right you'll see people picking edible weeds from the sides of the road. When these people needed food they didn't try to find someone to give it to them, they solved their own problem. Damned impressive if you ask me.
I love this post. Thanks for the verifiable data and thanks for the good data on the immigrants in your town.
I'm with the posters that think we should dock the people who abused the system until the amount they overspent is either used via time or repaid. Then I think of kids who's parents are complete f'in losers. They shouldn't have to suffer anymore than they already do being "cared for" by these barbarians. I don't know what the solution is for this. Foster care?
Relevant article " The 5 Stupidest Habits You Develop Growing Up Poor "
10/15/13 1:31 p.m.
aircooled wrote:
I think you are discounting Walmarts part in this. They clearly knew there was no way those were proper purchases, and yet still processed them. I agree that Walmart should shoulder most of the cost of this.
I guess that's cheaper than rebuilding stores after the ensuing riots.
slefain wrote:
"Recent studies show that 49% of all SNAP participants are children (age 18 or younger), with almost two-thirds of SNAP children living in single-parent households. In total, 76% of SNAP benefits go towards households with children..........
Seeeee..... told you!! 
In all seriousness. It is pretty difficult to "punish" the poor without punishing their children, and they have no responsibility any of this of course. Makes the situation a bit harder to deal with (kind of a hostage situation in a way). I guess you can say, it's a bit like how business taxes, tariffs etc. are passed on to the consumer...
Relates too the thread on Right and Wrong BTW (way to political of course)
Bobzilla wrote:
Even cheaper is to revoke their benefits. They knowingly scammed the system. That should be grounds for immediate removal from the system. Sorry... you committed theft. You scammed the system designed to HELP you get on your feet. Sorry... berkeley you. You no longer deserve to be part of society. When you KNOWINGLY steal from people trying to HELP you..... you are just about the lowest form of scum on this earth.
Another +1...but then they'll just steal my berkeleying social again. Scumbags.
10/15/13 1:54 p.m.
In reply to Datsun1500:
Its still not on them, the people are still to blame.
10/15/13 2:05 p.m.
yamaha wrote:
In reply to Datsun1500:
Its still not on them, the people are still to blame.
I don't disagree that the people are still to blame, but this is absolutely at minimum partially on Wal*Mart for accepting the cards.
What about this situation: A stolen credit card. The cashier [shockingly actually does his/her job correctly and] checks the signature on the back/picture on the card/license, and it doesn't match up. If the cashier still makes the transaction (or calls his boss over and the boss approves the transaction), wouldn't Wal*Mart be at fault? Assume the thief is at this point out of the picture, because unlike the EBT issue, in reality the thief would be untraceable.
aircooled wrote:
In all seriousness. It is pretty difficult to "punish" the poor without punishing their children, and they have no responsibility any of this of course. Makes the situation a bit harder to deal with (kind of a hostage situation in a way). I guess you can say, it's a bit like how business taxes, tariffs etc. are passed on to the consumer...
Relates too the thread on Right and Wrong BTW (way to political of course)
The answer has already been me. Limit what items can be purchased with the EBT monies, and youll have far fewer occurrences of people abusing the system. If the EBT cards are there to prevent children from starving, then give them nutritious, fresh food. But either hand out specific foods instead of credit cards, or specify which foods can and cant be used. No one is going to run off with 35 pounds of broccoli when their card has no limit.
aircooled wrote:
slefain wrote:
"Recent studies show that 49% of all SNAP participants are children (age 18 or younger), with almost two-thirds of SNAP children living in single-parent households. In total, 76% of SNAP benefits go towards households with children..........
Seeeee..... told you!!
In all seriousness. It is pretty difficult to "punish" the poor without punishing their children, and they have no responsibility any of this of course. Makes the situation a bit harder to deal with (kind of a hostage situation in a way). I guess you can say, it's a bit like how business taxes, tariffs etc. are passed on to the consumer...
Relates too the thread on Right and Wrong BTW (way to political of course)
I know this is cold hearted and all..... but tough E36 M3. CAn't afford the children? Don't f'n have them. Can't provide for them? Social services will step in and take them. Breaking the law and stealing isn't exactly the greatest parenting though now is it? What are we teaching THEIR children? That it's perfectly fine to steal as long as you don't get caught.
4cylndrfury wrote:
The answer has already been me. Limit what items can be purchased with the EBT monies, and youll have far fewer occurrences of people abusing the system. If the EBT cards are there to prevent children from starving, then give them nutritious, fresh food. But either hand out specific foods instead of credit cards, or specify which foods can and cant be used. No one is going to run off with 35 pounds of broccoli when their card has no limit.
VA has a WIC program that restricts foods you can purchase with it. WIC FAQ.
WIC stands for Women, Infants and Children -- and it's here to help pregnant women, mothers, infants and young children stay healthy and eat right during times of important growth.
This program was put into place when health organizations realized that poor nutrition in childhood greatly affected a person's health for the rest of their life. The cost/benefit was obvious at that point. Pay some pennies now to keep children fed to avoid thousands spent later in life for adult health problems and loss of productivity. Study: Effects of Childhood Hunger Last for Decades
Bobzilla wrote:
I know this is cold hearted and all..... but tough E36 M3. CAn't afford the children? Don't f'n have them. Can't provide for them? Social services will step in and take them. Breaking the law and stealing isn't exactly the greatest parenting though now is it? What are we teaching THEIR children? That it's perfectly fine to steal as long as you don't get caught.
I completely agree with you here. Unfortunately some folks are irresponsible and impulsive in their life AND while they're having sex. This results in children they don't want or can't care for. The problem is that these kids didn't ask to be born, abused, neglected, etc. Because of this treatment they're highly likely to grow into being uncaring individuals who are never taught how to work in society. To try to keep them from becoming a very expensive problem late in life our society tries to invest in them early in the hopes that it will pay off later. That's how we have school breakfast/lunch programs. It's how we have head start day cares. It's how we have EBT cards. It's not just to give away money or let people not work. It's so that we can hopefully mold our society now by taking care of the children who can't take care of themselves.
Social Services also came about this way. Unfortunately most social workers who are the 'boots on the ground' for SS are overworked and underpaid.
I read a sci-fi book years ago that advocated universal birth control. You had to earn your way into having kids. This has WIDE reaching implications for society. It also touches on subjects that are radioactive since WW2 namely allegations of eugenics and talk about who decides who has what kids. Thorny subject. It would take care of the 'people having kids who don't want or can't care for' problem.
This whole subject is so frustrating. I'm as mad as your are Bobzilla for some of the same reasons and for some others that aren't mentioned.
In reply to Xceler8x:
Ohio has WIC as well, my lazy ass sister in law is still getting it since the benefits are very hard to reverse cancel when the parent receiving it gets a job. She still uses it, even though she got a job, a nice one, making plenty of loot. Drives me in-berking-sane.
i'M 100% for mandatory BC until you can provide proof that A.) you're not retarded and 2.) you can and will provide for your child.
4cylndrfury wrote:
In reply to Xceler8x:
Ohio has WIC as well, my lazy ass sister in law is still getting it since the benefits are very hard to reverse cancel when the parent receiving it gets a job. She still uses it, even though she got a job, a nice one, making plenty of loot. Drives me in-berking-sane.
That is infuriating. I had a family member who pulled unemployment while working 'under the table' in construction. I have a close friend who's witnessed people having children in a hospital, not paying a thing, because they don't report income they earn because it's untraceable. In the eyes of the state they are destitute so they are not billed.
I try to remember the people who aren't scammers who really need help all while thinking about ways to punt or ferret out the free loaders.
Need food assistance? Here is your crate of dried grains and fresh vegetables. Have a nice day.