poopshovel wrote:
NYG95GA wrote:
A couple of quick thoughts:
1. Damn, I wish I had 20+ employees so I could lay off every mother berkeleyer with an Obama sticker on their car.
2. No more berkeleying handouts from me. Not for your church, not for your school, not for your greasy goddamned granny with holes in her panties.
Really?! This saddens me to a great extent. The fact that you would even consider firing employees for whom they voted, is telling. I am SO glad I don't work for you. I am glad my boss, a republican, lets me have my own views, ideals, thoughts. In otherwords, he is open minded. And successful because of it.
BTW, I am neither republican, nor democrat. I don't believe in toeing to party lines, as my ideals don't do so.
Why the hell have they not called NC yet? With 100% of the precincts reporting it should be done. I know it doesn't make any difference in the election results, but this will be the first time this state has gone blue since I have been alive and I want it to be berkeleying official! 
HunterJP wrote:
poopshovel wrote:
NYG95GA wrote:
A couple of quick thoughts:
1. Damn, I wish I had 20+ employees so I could lay off every mother berkeleyer with an Obama sticker on their car.
2. No more berkeleying handouts from me. Not for your church, not for your school, not for your greasy goddamned granny with holes in her panties.
Really?! This saddens me to a great extent. The fact that you would even consider firing employees for whom they voted, is telling. I am SO glad I don't work for you. I am glad my boss, a republican, lets me have my own views, ideals, thoughts. In otherwords, he is open minded. And successful because of it.
+1, I hoped you were joking and gave you the benefit of the doubt.
I slept thru it all and this has been my intro to the race results. So what happened in the important races - you know the guys who actually make the laws?
GameboyRMH wrote:
HunterJP wrote:
poopshovel wrote:
NYG95GA wrote:
A couple of quick thoughts:
1. Damn, I wish I had 20+ employees so I could lay off every mother berkeleyer with an Obama sticker on their car.
2. No more berkeleying handouts from me. Not for your church, not for your school, not for your greasy goddamned granny with holes in her panties.
Really?! This saddens me to a great extent. The fact that you would even consider firing employees for whom they voted, is telling. I am SO glad I don't work for you. I am glad my boss, a republican, lets me have my own views, ideals, thoughts. In otherwords, he is open minded. And successful because of it.
+1, I hoped you were joking and gave you the benefit of the doubt.
ask him what pooklo stands for..... go ahead.
New Reader
11/5/08 9:43 a.m.
I didn't get to vote because I do live in Canada, but I have to say, I'm happy with the results. At the very least, people should be happy at the voter turn out which is a victory for your country.
For those of you who are upset that Obama won and suggested moving to Canada, I think you may be disapointed. In general we are much more socialist than the democrats (but I think that's a good thing
11/5/08 9:50 a.m.
ddavidv wrote:
No matter what the outcome, I get to utter the following phrase over the next four years:
"Don't blame me. I voted for Bob Barr."
I said on another forum that all the people who voted for Barr could probably get together and have a group photo with him. Someone suggested it could be entitled "The Last People in America Who Give a E36 M3 About the Constitution".
carguy123 wrote:
I slept thru it all and this has been my intro to the race results. So what happened in the important races - you know the guys who actually make the laws?
As usual, 95% or so got reelected meaning we have the exact same problems we did yesterday afternoon. Once again the American public has failed to do their part of the job.
EastCoastMojo wrote:
Why the hell have they not called NC yet? With 100% of the precincts reporting it should be done. I know it doesn't make any difference in the election results, but this will be the first time this state has gone blue since I have been alive and I want it to be berkeleying official!
I read this morning that NC is so close they're counting all the provisionals and stuff before they call it. Same thing in MO.
So, anyone else think George W. will have a sucessful post-politics career as a standup comedian?
Let's face it, he may have sucked as a president, but he does have a sense of humor...and plenty of material to work with! 
11/5/08 11:39 a.m.
I am more concerned by the local and state results.
I'm bothered that our Mayor did not get reelected. I think she's done a fantastic job for the city.
I'm also a bit concerned by some of the results of the state propositions. And pleased that a couple passed. I'm bothered that Prop 8 and Prop 2 passed, although not particularly surprised that they did. I'm happy that Prop 1A passed, since that will actually lead to a bunch of money for our office and some job security for me. Plus it was the best proposition on the ballot.
Jensenman wrote:
Wally wrote:
I was a bit uncomfortable going home last night as a group of happy Obama fans followed me to the subway letting me know that the shoe was on the other foot now that they were in charge. It would be time for us to pay and pay big. I hope this nonsense isn't going to on for long.
Amen, brother. The whole 'us vs them' mentality evident is kinda spooky.
dude, you can't say "spooky" when referencing an african american. just like you can't say "reneg" because it sounds like "re-nig" and, well, that would just be a tar baby for all involved.
Xceler8x wrote:
Jensenman wrote:
Amen, brother. The whole 'us vs them' mentality evident is kinda spooky.
Speaking from a racial perspective...
in Va it is a mixed group of people supporting and celebrating the Obama victory. Story of a spontaneous celebration in Richmond.
btw - Obama Secret Service codename:
* Barack Obama - Renegade
* Michelle Obama - Renaissance
LOL the Pope's codename is Halo 
Oh and Dubya's is Tumbler 
Check out Hillary's! LOL!!!
And of course Reagan gets one of the most badass...RAWHIDE, lol 
That list is hilarious! 
Type Q
11/5/08 12:20 p.m.
California Proposition 1A was the one I really wanted to see pass. The last I was in Japan I took a the High speed train from Tokyo to Kyoto. It is roughy the same distance as San Jose to LA. It took less than 3 hours and I got out in downtown Kyoto across the street from my hotel. I remember thinking, "Why do I have to spend two hours in a terminal to get on a stuffy overcrowded plane to do a day trip or weekend to SoCal? This is so much nicer."
Unfortunately for us Canadians (even those of us that live down south with y'all), when the planet blows up, Canada will go with it...
xd wrote:
well you know how in movies when the planet is about to blow up the president is always black? well obama will be president in 2012
I'm moving to Canada.
11/5/08 12:36 p.m.
Supermans Ice Castle is in Canada, that is good enough for me.
11/5/08 12:44 p.m.
Type Q wrote:
California Proposition 1A was the one I really wanted to see pass. The last I was in Japan I took a the High speed train from Tokyo to Kyoto. It is roughy the same distance as San Jose to LA. It took less than 3 hours and I got out in downtown Kyoto across the street from my hotel. I remember thinking, "Why do I have to spend two hours in a terminal to get on a stuffy overcrowded plane to do a day trip or weekend to SoCal? This is so much nicer."
It was also unique for this round of propositions. It actually was actually amended and passed by the state legislature, and signed by the gov. It used to be Prop 1. It has far more accountability and oversight than any of the other propositions.
It will also become a self-sustaining program.
But it's going to take 10 years for all of the construction.
It's a fantastic idea though. And I'm really looking forward to the business. It's been my favorite project here at work. I've been busy the past several months organizing outreach to civic groups along the northern section of the route.
The tough thing is explaining to people in smaller towns, "No, there won't be a station in [Galt/Ceres/Ripon/Manteca] or any other small towns. This is not a commuter train. Think of it like an airport on the ground. There doesn't need to be a station in your town for you to benefit from it. Drive 20-30 minutes to Stockton and get on board there so you can travel to LA."
Maybe I shouldn't respond to this, but here goes. First off, I didn't vote Obama as I think there are far too many unknowns for the man to be president. He may be the best thing ever, but does anyone truly know much about him. Most of it was covered up, and what record there is of his voting in no way corresponds to what he said during his campaign. And worse yet, although he didn't get a super majority, its close enough that he can pretty much run through whatever he wants, including constitutional changes. And with the current supreme court, there's not much chance of an override there either. All the checks and balances are pretty much non-existent at this moment. I would feel much better about this if congress was more evenly balanced.
I do believe that if McCain had run as his true self, he would have done much better. Most people forget that he's darn near a democrat anyway. There was a lot of talk during the primary about the Rupublican party even supporting him, so I always found it amusing that he was so closely paired to Bush. Most of the far right republicans don't care for him.
And although I despise Bill O'Reily, I do believe Fox is the only news channel you could really hear most of the facts, even if they did put their spin on them. Most of the other outlets were so blatenly biased that they omitted huge chunks of stories to make Obama look better, even to the point of editing video to make it appear differently. As someone that's been in this business a long time, it truly floored me as to the extent that they went to make sure Obama got elected (don't underestimate the extent as to which this affected the election). It went against everything I learned in school. Even though Fox spun stories for McCain, they did of course, they at least did report the facts, including damaging ones against McCain when they came out. CNN in particular was simply sickening, although I do prefer their interviewing tactics better than Fox, which leave a lot to be desired.
So, even though this was a historic election, I think most of it can be attributed to an anti-Bush vote, and the pro-Obama coverage of the media. And Obama himself is probably the best public speaker I've ever seen. The sad part is that a HUGE chunk of the recent economic meltdown can be attributed directly to the congress, and there seemed to be little interest in these races among the voting public, otherwise most of them would have been kicked to the curb. It's way too easy to blame the president for political gain and overlook the real source of problems.
Your post is a whole 'nother thread in and of itself.
11/5/08 4:05 p.m.
poopshovel wrote:
1. Damn, I wish I had 20+ employees so I could lay off every mother berkeleyer with an Obama sticker on their car.
Even in GA, that would wind you up in jail.
If you don't get the !@#$ beat out of you first.
You're better than a comment like that, Poopy.
LOL didn't we pass something for a high speed train here in FL about 10 years ago? I don't see no train yet or even ground broken.
Once again the polls were wrong.
Very saddened that Amendment 2 passed, I blame it on how it was worded to sound so good, and the lack of voter education about it. Prop 8 had much more media coverage in Cali, a more liberal state and still passed so there still a lot of hate and ignorance out there.