I've got 3 kids all with iPhones and all with iPads/Macs.
Ditto the wife.
The wife and I need to hold a family meeting this weekend with the kiddos. Facetime will not work for this. Is Skype the only solution? Is there a web-based pay-per-use service?
Was also going to recommend Skype. What's it not doing for you?
Just general paranoia. Once installed Skype sits there and runs. And probably listens to what is going on in the room. Then sends it to the North Koreans, Google, Apple and Doc Brown.
I've had 2 ransomware attacks at work in the past 3 months, the spoofing emails are getting really good and one of my co-workers will probably be the next guy to click on the wrong missile alert button.
I was just polling the hive to see if there are alternatives other than Skype.
New Reader
1/18/18 12:45 p.m.
There are a couple apps to group facetime. Hangouts is another option if tied into google but it doesn't seem to have the same quality as facetime if one of the connections is flaky.
Hangouts works, and runs from the browser, but it's a bit weird sometimes with video and audio compressions. It does do group calling now though.
I wouldn't worry much about Skype to be honest. Microsoft owns them and it uses end to end encryption with the AES encryption protocol so it's about as secure as you can get it without going overboard. I've also had better experiences with it just in terms of call quality than Hangouts.
If you're concerned about it running all the time kill the process and turn off the startup on boot option.
Skype is probably the best bet. You can always uninstall it afterward if it concerns you.
Use it at work all the time.
You can trust Doc Brown 
We use hangouts pretty reguarly. It can be quirky, but it works.
In reply to Sparkydog :
You didn't even list the company that actually develops Skype! I wouldn't be worried about privacy issues with Skype. (disclaimer: I also work for that company)
Another option is a Google Hangout, but the quality isn't generally quite as good as Skype.
Sparkydog said:
Just general paranoia. Once installed Skype sits there and runs. And probably listens to what is going on in the room. Then sends it to the North Koreans, Google, Apple and Doc Brown.
I've had 2 ransomware attacks at work in the past 3 months, the spoofing emails are getting really good and one of my co-workers will probably be the next guy to click on the wrong missile alert button.
I was just polling the hive to see if there are alternatives other than Skype.
Skype doesn't send any audio anywhere unless a call is in progress.