In reply to GIRTHQUAKE :
Boost_Crazy said:
I didn't post those links, you did. You should have been the one to vet them. After I see Huff Post, I don't feel the need to spend my time checking your other sources.
You got so offended that one article was from Huffington Post, that it sent you typing a paragraphs-long tirade; Talk about letting something live rent-free in your head lmao, why should anyone keep talking to you if you don't read what they post and try to understand it?
Tell ya what, stop trying to protect banks that have already been found guilty, start proving your point with evidence, and I'll tell you about myself.
I wasn't offended by you selecting the Huffington Post as "evidence," I was disappointed. I never said I didn't read your links. I said I didn't vet them. I don't know to what degree they can be trusted. While I feel it is always wise to question sources, your inclusion of the Huffington Post made me strongly question the validity of your other sources. You vomited half a dozen sources with hundred of pages into the thread. Quantity does not trump quality when it comes to research. I read/skimmed through them. While there was some good info, they appeared to be incomplete. It's like reading an accident report that tells you the mechanics of the accident, but leaves out key info on the cause.
Again, since you never answered the question- who were the victims?
I'm not defending the banks. But all of your linked research starts at the banks and skips the part where people willingly signed on the dotted line. Not only do you appear to skip over that very important part, you stated that they were preyed upon. How do you get to a conclusion if you don't even know where you are starting from?