with all the string players on here and that i know in real life along with both nefews getting guitars for thier birthdays and learning to play. I also have a cuz down south with a doc in music teaching and she plays french horn i have been thinking about picking and learning to play something for ages. I had to get some stuff for someone for x-mas last week and the show had hermonicas on the wall and i broke down and got one cause i thought they are easy to carry and store and easy to learn so i know have one and been messing around now and then. need to sit down and really start pratice everyday to get some decent skill to be able to sit and play with people for jamming off the cuff i hope.
12/27/15 11:05 p.m.
Cool man, harmonicas are sweet.
I'm a horn player - years of saxophone, although I'm a bit lapsed as I have nobody to play with around here. I've got a couple of blues harps as well but never really put the time into making it work. They are fun to screw around with and so convenient!
If you want to see what can be done with one, look up "The Harmonicats" (not sure of spelling). My dad had a couple of their albums. Great stuff!
Nice, I've got the same harp myself. (And a bunch of others, even if I'm not very good at playing them.) I used to play guitar, but switched to harmonicas after I had kids since they kept trying to mess with the guitar. The kids are less likely to break them, and if they do, I'm not out much.
12/28/15 8:45 a.m.
They are easy to make a noise with, but I wouldn't say they are easy to play! They take an unbelievable amount of breah control.
I play a bit, but make no claims to fame. Saxophone is my thing.
For a real old-school treat, look up anything by Toots Theilman. He's one of the best ever. If you can find him playing "Tenor Madness", or "Scrapple from the Apple", you will get a chance to hear the impossible.
I've seen him in concert a few times. Incredible.
Have fun!
Wow, more saxmen here than I thought (I'm one too - tenor/alto/soprano). RE: harmonicas, great choice, the main thing with any instrument is to play regularly, and a harp is really convenient. I don't play one myself(yet), but since I recently started playing in a rock/blues band, maybe I'll pick one up and see what happens, although I'm doing fine with the saxes. Music is a great thing, the main thing is to make yourself happy with it and play regularly. Listen to others, in addition to the ones listed above I'd also recommend any of the great blues players, I like Paul Butterfield. Harmonicas are great solo instruments, so once you have the basics down, spend time making stuff up.
12/28/15 5:31 p.m.
Tenor, soprano, baritone here. No alto.
I've also played a C-melody, a bass, and a sopranino (which most peoe have never heard of).
Baritone is my favorite.
Soprano, bari and tenor for me - in that order. I also own an alto because it was required when I studied music in university, but I never liked it as much. I played oboe, trumpet, flute, drums, etc but not all that well anymore.
12/28/15 8:20 p.m.
Lake county acoustic jam at lord of glory Lutheran church in grayslake on 120 usually has a few harp guys show up. Every 2nd and 4th Friday of the month at 8pm, although I think there is t one on the 8th and the next is on the 22nd.
I played bass sax in high school and bari in college a little. Currently mostly tenor, then alto, but the band wants to try Turn the Page, and I'll probably pull out the soprano for that.
Ever hear a group called the Nuclear Whales Saxophone Orchestra? Outstanding, they are a sextet with the whole range from sopranino to a contrabass that's seven feet tall! I saw then in Albuquerque about 15 years ago, check them out!