Mrs. poop is one of those “my broken screen doesn’t bother me” people. Her phone is all jacked up, and now needs a new battery. She says it was $100 to replace the screen last time. I’m guessing battery (installed) is another $100?
I’m fine with my phone. It’s a little banged up as I refuse to put a case on it, but I’ve never broken a screen.
That said, don’t they make an iphone now that has the (5? 3?) FLAT edges vs rounded? I miss that phone. Mama misses hers too.
So fix her ratchet phone & live with mine, or just go to the ATT store & replace?
5/2/19 6:52 p.m.
6S was covered in the battery recall. I got mine replaced for $30.
You can go to Apple, ask them to have the battery replaced. They may give you a quote for screen replacement. If it's too high, have them do the battery and have the screen done by a small local shop for $50.
I find the 6S to be still-capable smart-phone that's getting most of Apples latest updates and support.
Battery discount program ended 12/31/2018. I think it's $99 now for a new battery.
The 6S is the last iPhone with a headphone jack. I want a 128gb one. I'm still using my 6 and it's fine. A new battery on it (done around 12/30!) made a huge difference in performance.
5/3/19 12:40 a.m.
I’d look at a refurb 7 or 8 and compare their cost to the cost of a new screen and battery for her 6S. You might see it’s nearly a wash.
Make sure the phone comes with the headphone jack dongle and you’ll be fine if you need analog headphones.
I just did the battery on the wife's 6. Part of the process has you actually removing the screen. Go to Amazon, get the $22 battery kit and a screen. Take 10 minutes and do it yourself. We'll be using our 6's until Apple stop supporting them (like they did with the 5 and older) because they're easy to fix and cheap. No way would I spend $400+ for a newer phone. If you were close I'd just do them for you.
Screen $36.99
Battery $21.99
Dang. I was totally in the dark about the battery recall. I’m nowhere near an apple store, but I’ll check with a couple local places.
I gave my input on replacing iPhone screens in this thread. iPhone screen replacement
I'd just replace it and the battery personally.