good friend of mine is in vehicle dynamics development at Ford. he says they're looking to hire a whole butt-load of engineers. they will be contract positions at first, but they have been converting a lot of contract engineers to direct in recent times. he did not have a jerb description handy but offered this generic guideline:
A generic wish-list of qualifications would go something like this:
· BSME required, MSME even better
· Basic knowledge of vehicle dynamics theory: cornering compliances, understeer vs. oversteer, ride frequencies, etc.
· Basic knowledge of suspension design
· Ability to use data and objective metrics to specify what content we need before the first prototype is built
· NOT looking for part-swapping race-car drivers developing cars by the seat of their pants.
SO if you're about to graduate, or have recently graduated and are looking for employment, pm me for his contact info.