Finally stole the roomie's 360 long enough to get on XBox live night before last (his new job is in construction, and he spends a few nights out of town every once in awhile). Still delighted that I stumbled across confusZion3 in the first 10min I got on!
I don't get on very often, but would really like to see y'all when I do. So...with apologies for the repost, would anybody else like to post up their usertag here? I'm frydgrncorrado or something over there...
I love it when I'm playing a game on LIVE and the people online know what my gamertag is from.
Forza 3 will be out next month.
Same as on here - Xceler8x!
confuZion3 wrote:
Yay me!
That was a pretty rockin' session the other night. After you guys left, the West Coast folks got on and I ended up playing until 6a EDT. Gotta love vacations..
I sucked hard though. I think a lot of my misfortune came from that douche though. When you know that there's a guy behind you that is probably just going to ram you going into a turn, you have a tendency to brake too late or too softly. I kept doing that. But it was all good fun. Maybe I'll get on this weekend if the weather sucks outside.
my name is the same, i haven't been on in a while. did design this years challenge scheme on there to get a feel of what it would look like before hand tho.
Same as here. Y'all feel free to friend me.
confuZion3 wrote:
I sucked hard though. I think a lot of my misfortune came from that douche though. When you know that there's a guy behind you that is probably just going to ram you going into a turn, you have a tendency to brake too late or too softly. I kept doing that. But it was all good fun. Maybe I'll get on this weekend if the weather sucks outside.
Yeah, he put me off a couple of times as well. He'd slow way too much in front of me so he could drift, and I'd try to run around his outside, instead of slam him in the back (good thing Forza-or anything else-doesn't model "the marbles", eh?). Then when his car would go sideways, he'd pop me in the side and put me off the road. His first PM was something like "why'd you hit me?". Mine was "because you're too slow, poseur!"
He then asked why we weren't drifting, I told him we were all real road racers & autoxers, and didn't have time for figure skating. I eventually told him to look at the lap times, and reminded him that the stopwatch never lies.
After you left, he tried to run for real..and actually took his losses pretty well. I ended up gifting the guy a "grip" version of his Corrola. Call it the GRM "Missionary Outreach"? 
I don't know when I'll be back on-since the machine belongs to the roomie..but some of y'all will have a friend request.
EDIT: C-o-r-o-l-l-a.
9/13/09 12:10 a.m.
I am "Salanis42", just like here. Y'all will probably be getting requests from me next time you're on. (I'm a Left-Coaster.)
I just stopped playing for tonight. It's 1:35 AM here. I'm sure you west-coasters are probably in prime playing time sometime during my night. Definitely send me a request.
I stopped playing a few hours ago to catch a west coast football game. My current is DiRT 2, arcadish but fun.
I am "anonymousDaemon". I haven't been messing with multiplayer much, but if anyone wants to race and i'm online, hit me up.
11/1/09 6:01 p.m.
I just got peer-pressured into buying a 360 and a copy of Forza 3 by some of the local autocross crew. My gamertag is jwbrockman, I'll probably be on for a while later tonight.
X20A 00W0 . . . I may be on tonight. . .
(IT cert studies might hinder that . . . ugh)
11/11/09 5:42 p.m.
I am setting up Live right now so I will be sending out some friend requests soon. I am HORRIBLE but I am getting practice and slowly improving. My name is the same as here...EvanB
Edit: EvanB was taken so my tag is EvanB88
I need to get off XMEN:Origins (decompression game) and play some Forza. . . .