When I bought this house in 1986 or so, the concrete front step had outdoor carpet glued to it, which caused the concrete to deteriorate so badly it was almost a ramp. So, right or wrong, I formed up the step and poured about two inches of concrete over the whole thing.
It worked quite nicely.
A few years after that, I repoured my sidewalk, which also worked quite nicely. Missed one step, though. I didn't leave an expansion joint between the step and the walk, which created this crack in the bottom step a couple of years ago.
It's gotten a bit worse every winter, but it's quite angled now.
Fix options:
1, Pull off the broken bit, trim the bottom edge so it has clearance to the sidewalk, find some super epoxy and stick it back on. Seems cheesy, probably iffy in lasting, may not be possible.
2, Make a vertical cut at the corner of the bottom step and remove it completely. Then either make a freestanding block to slide into place, and reset it a bit every few years, or drill as many bits of rebar as I can into the upper step, make a nice crushed rock base, and pour a step in place, bonded to and supported by the step.
3, Jackhammer the bitch and buy a new precast step. Not a huge fan of this, partly from a cost standpoint, and partly from a serious lack of Grassroots thinking.
Wood or metal steps are an absolute no, as there is nothing on the planet more likely to kill you, when it's 20 below, than a metal or wooden step.
Votes? Other plans?