Nugi said:
In reply to paranoid_android :
These would get stolen in a heartbeat if my teenage self lived within 20 miles of where they were displayed unsecured. This will just lead to more trespass hijinks.
I still say do it, and film the carnage, post on youtube, monitize, profit.
Maybe if OP electrified said flamingos - then film results? I have visions of that hilarious video of that guy trying to steal an electrified sign a couple years ago lol
3/18/19 8:28 a.m.
In reply to Toebra :
Anything with water is definitely a nuisance but it’s very effective. I have a swamp in my front yard, it’s about a foot lower back than the road and usually has water in much of it. A genius parked there one night because they didn’t have cell service at their end of the block and got hopelessly stuck, and the friend he called to pull him out also got stuck. When I got home at 2:30 am both cars were abandoned sunk to the axles. The next day they paid a nice sum to get them removed.
Has anyone suggested a crocodile-infested moat? Because that would be cool, and presumably effective.
EastCoastMojo said:
Seriously though, it's probably the mail delivery person. Ours just drives down the road with two wheels in the dirt the whole way. Since it seems like a newish issue for you, maybe it's a new person driving your route?
This happens on our street, too. I just took some broken bricks and concrete and made a rock border that improves drainage they can drive on without crafting a makeshift ditch when it is wet.
Appleseed said:
In all seriousness, you should just go talk to them first.
Just take care.. I took this route when a neighbor was letting off fireworks and it ended with him in jail because he decided to come to my house later and threaten me for "disrespecting him." Any more, if I don't already know and have a good relationship with the person, the police will be my first call with neighbor disputes. It sucks, because that's not me at all, but people can be idiots and I don't need that bull in my life.
Is he doing burnouts? Is his name 'Justin', by any chance?
Wally, you need a winch on your truck, C note to pull them out.
Moat with crocodiles is only good if nobody in the area has dogs or small children. Works as well as hungry pigs to dispose of dead bodies though. Remember kids, if chased by a gator or croc, serpentine. They go fast in a straight line, but can't turn worth a damn.
Justin, ha, I remember that.
Hey, those damn kids and dogs need to learn, too. A few of your friends end up missing, maybe you'll stop screwing around and listen to adults.
A concrete soccer ball spiked into the ground. Then sit back and wait for it.
Well, it turns out the city will have to repair some of the sewage line there, so we'll be doing a full remodel with electrified, spiked, flaming, crocodile flamingo mines in the new moat that Justin keeps driving through.
N Sperlo said:
Well, it turns out the city will have to repair some of the sewage line there, so we'll be doing a full remodel with electrified, spiked, flaming, crocodile flamingo mines in the new moat that Justin keeps driving through.
That sounds like a reasonable compromise. It's best to be subtle, I always say.