First thanks for the comments all.
I do have lots of trees and squirrels. Maybe that will work since there's a dead rabbit in the backyard right now that's wholly unpleasant to her.
She has threatened to go buy on herself, an inflatable one big enough for adults, hmmmm. Sounds like an incredible waste of money to me.
Will call home owners and see what they say. I've had several people say to me why tell your insurance company? Dumb.
My neighbor wants to give me her hot tub again. Her husband fixed it all up just before he passed a few months back so I know it works.
Ian F
4/2/09 3:28 p.m.
I'd be all over the hot tub idea... always thougth they were dumb... until I got to use one... 
Plus, you can still use it in cool (or even cold) weather... something about sitting in a hot, steaming pool of water when there's snow on the ground next to you sounds cool.
I vote for new patio/deck and a hot-tub.
Pluses of hot tub over pool:
- Lockable (def. a plus with kids)
- Less chemicals, less maintenance
- Less electricity
- Use all year (they're great in winter)
- therapeutic massage
- smaller - lose less of your yard
- don't look tacky like an above-ground pool
- smaller, so no swimming
So, if all you really want is something to take a quick dip and get wet, the hot-tub wins. You can let the tub stay at ambient temp in the summer if you want (we do).
If you really need someplace to swim, obviously a pool is the answer.
4/2/09 4:45 p.m.
VWguyBruce wrote:
My neighbor wants to give me her hot tub again. Her husband fixed it all up just before he passed a few months back so I know it works.
Dude, this is your answer. Build a small deck and install that when the missus is gone for a weekend. You get bonus pionts for being spontanious and listening to her. Any objections she has will cease with the first beer or margatrita and a long soak. Then she gets to brag to all of her freinds how thoughful you are as well as handy. This is win win
4/3/09 7:16 a.m.
snag the hot tub... and the inflatable pool... the pool will last a couple of years if taken care of, long enough for the novelty to wear off, without the expense of a "real " one.. i had a friend who went that route and was glad he did, after a month or so the pool went unused and he was thrilled he hadn't mortgaged the house to get an in ground like hed planned originally.
Ian F
4/3/09 8:47 a.m.
If I were into swimming, I'd want an endless pool over a standard pool (unless I had the space & means to install an indoor olympic-length pool).
My mother has been debating about putting one of these in her back yard (inside a new building) for a few years now...
um, hot tubs will usually increase your utility bill moreso than the pool. Plus, in the summer, using one is not a lot of fun. They have to run decent size pumps and run a heater as well, something most pools do not have. And there is a HUGE difference between a good hot tub and a cheap one. I have some experience here too.
As a reference, a friend's hot tub adds almost a $100 a month to his utility bill for a 6 person tub.
racerdave600 wrote:
As a reference, a friend's hot tub adds almost a $100 a month to his utility bill for a 6 person tub.
He must have an older tub or a crappy cover. Mine doesn't add anywhere near that much. Maybe $30/month peak in winter and around $15/month average. In the summer, we don't heat it.
Agreed that cheap hot tubs are cheap for a reason. A good 6-person will cost at least $3000, and probably closer to $5k.