That man spent every moment of his on-screen time on The Gong Show baked out of his gourd. I used to love it when Chuck would strap on that beautiful black Les Paul Custom and play along on the 'Gene Gene the Dancing Machine' theme.
Woody wrote: I once shared an elevator ride with Jaye P. Morgan.
I once stood next in line to Chuck Barris at a Sambo’s Omelet Bar.
BTW, yes, there actually used to be a restaurant called Sambo’s and to make matters worse, the upper portion of their walls had time series panes of a little Indian kid getting chased, mauled, and eventually eaten by an overly happy lion.
Woody wrote: I once shared an elevator ride with Jaye P. Morgan.
I've never heard "elevator ride" used as a euphemism for "short, wild, and noisy sexual encounter" before. I'm going to have to look that up on urban dictionary.
His movie, Confessions of a Dangerous Mind, was interesting. I just ordered his book.
My Jr.High drama teacher was a contestant on The Newlywed Game. She won, a fancy bedroom set, if I recall. It's been a while. She said they first gave them a huge lecture about cheating and that they could tell. She and her husband did poorly in the show, but then they got the big final question right and won it all.
I also knew a kid in Jr.High that auditioned for the Gong Show. He played his guitar and sang. He thought he was good. Anyway, he didn't get on, but he said Mr. Barris was there making the decisions and was really nice.
The Unknown Comic was great. When I was in undergraduate school, freshman chemistry was a total kill-off course at A&M. Like less than half the zoo class of 200 pass. The lab was always "titrate this acid... what's the concentration?" "taught" by a 1st year graduate student T.A. with an attitude. So I did a write-up deliberately to piss off a T.A. by messing with their head. Typeset results, graphs, laser print, etc., WAY before that technology was readily available, with the GEM operating system, the one Apple ripped off for the Mac precursor. The best anyone else had, including TA's, was Word Perfect and a dot matrix. Anyway, on the graph I had a test tube with a paper bag over the top with eyes, nose, mouth cut out, stick figure arms and legs and a big label that said "The Unknown Acid."
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