STS-135 (Atlantis) launch. Shortly before engine start to MECO.
Docking should be a little after 11a EDT on Sunday 10 July. Coverage without TV "news" commentary will be here:
Or here, if the main feed gets choppy:
Can't believe they did it so soon! NASA records the flight crew on ascent for debriefing purposes. NASA TV actually posted it up tonight. They didn't include the cockpit chatter, but I'm sure someone from The Agency will spill the raw vid in a month or so.
For the moment..anybody wanna see an "onboard"?
Sorry for all the fanboy aunt was NASA from the mid 60s to the mid 80s..I'm a "legacy case"
EDIT: Look at Walheim grinning like a bandit for most of the way up! Jeez, his third flight..and he's still stoked!
7/10/11 8:11 a.m.
Thanks for sharing, those were great!