Ian F wrote:
In reply to Toyman01:
Photobucket can't "win" if the berking site won't load. It sounds like it's great for you, since you already have a pay account. It won't even load to the point where I can find the "pay" option.
Seriously. Opening the site locks up my computer...
Mine does the same thing, I got the mobile site working really well though.
12/16/16 4:39 p.m.
Jerry wrote:
Am I the only one that 99% of the time just links to his photos on Facebook, set to Public?
I used to do that on Myspace until they changed their hotlinking policies. And resized all photos to 640x480.
I've had no problems with Photobucket, other than being slightly irked that I was TOLD that I was paying for a dedicated directory. http://www.photobucket.com/SPRTUSA/ works, but photo links aren't in /SPRTUSA, they are in, as Strong Bad once said, something full of Linux.
12/16/16 4:55 p.m.
Knurled wrote:
Jerry wrote:
Am I the only one that 99% of the time just links to his photos on Facebook, set to Public?
I used to do that on Myspace until they changed their hotlinking policies. And resized all photos to 640x480.
I've had no problems with Photobucket, other than being slightly irked that I was TOLD that I was paying for a dedicated directory. http://www.photobucket.com/SPRTUSA/ works, but photo links aren't in /SPRTUSA, they are in, as Strong Bad once said, something full of Linux.
More likely they're in something full of MySQL :)
Re:facebook hosting - the image URLs apparently rotate over time, or maybe after enough linked bandwidth is burned. After awhile, this breaks the link, making it a poor solution in addition to everything already mentioned.
Right now, I use google photos. No issues so far, but who knows when they're going to deactivate that and move on to the next thing.
I have no issues with my unpaid photobucket account. Every thing else I have tried truly sucks. In ten years I haven't used a tenth if the space available.