7/2/11 1:10 p.m.
I don't know why anybody uses "social media." I never did myspace or facebook...never even set up accounts with them. So now, despite the above, google gave me a Google+ account. What good is it, and what am I supposed to do with "social media"?
I spend all my time in the garage or here on the GRM forum. What am I supposed to do with social media that I cannot already do?
Don't become an unperson. practice your doublethink, then share all of your friends deepest darkest secrets with our new overlords and they may spare you the trip to room 101.
Ironic given your attitude, but I'd love an invite...
Invite received. Email addy removed.
FB is not the evil social site many people think it is, unless you let it be, depends on how you use it... and keep your info private. I use it mainly for family and close friends but have over 50 news feeds from sites like road courses and race tracks, race teams, welding/ fab and tool sites, local news, Speed, car clubs, sports teams and players, corporate sites,etc. .... even GRM is on there. Latest news delivered all in one place, no more looking in 50 different places.... works for me.
Just another tool in the toolbox.
New Reader
7/2/11 6:53 p.m.
you're supposed to click on the ads.
7/2/11 7:12 p.m.
If anyone wants an invite I can send you one. Osterkraut i will send you one.
xd wrote:
If anyone wants an invite I can send you one. Osterkraut i will send you one.
7/2/11 7:34 p.m.
Could I get one? My username @ (m4ff3w)
Mas appreciated!
I wouldn't mind seeing what all the hubbub is about. bradley.c.brownell AT
I'll take one if any left.. jessemorehouse on gmail
7/2/11 8:57 p.m.
I'll jump on this bandwagon. If any of the Google+ exclusive can spare another invite...
7/2/11 10:05 p.m.
They might have shut down invites cause charlie o you are on my list and I made a post so you should have got it. I will go through the list in the mornig and add all you guys.
I'd very much appreciate an invitation if you have any left.
I didn't think I'd like "social media" either, until I actually had one. Got on FB because my sister & BIL were (they live in Seattle, I'm in Atlanta, we hardly ever get to see each other in person). Got a few friend requests from old HS/College girlfriends (don't have to attend the reunion to get your curiosity satisfied)..and then a bunch from my old SCCA Worker buddies (which actually led to me working again)! I've got a couple of the folks from here in my list..only prob is that we all use our real names over there. Took me a lil while to remember which name goes with the nym we use over here, but it all works out.
One thing I'd recommend..don't put anybody on it that you see everyday-especially folks from work. I've never done it, but I've heard that it can clutter your account up so bad that there's a very low "signal-to-noise" ratio.
7/3/11 12:46 p.m.
they've shut down invites for a little while. sent one to a friend, he got the invite but the site told him they weren't signing up new members just yet.
kinda boring arriving to the party early and not having anything really going on...
7/3/11 5:50 p.m.
Tom, did that send you an invite?
[If that worked, I know how to send them to you guys. If not, back to the drawing board.]
[Edit: tried again with all you guys. Let me know if it works.]
No go..not in spam or anything
7/3/11 6:38 p.m.
Arrrggghhh! Clearly, this is me not being used to the interface. You should have at least gotten an email.
OK, GRtechguy....I just tried sending an email to you only. Let me know if you get it.
Got the invites, unfortunately it's closed right now. Damn.
7/3/11 9:58 p.m.
Mine? OK, at least I know I'm doing it right.
I still don't know how useful google+ will be, but I found this to be funny

7/3/11 11:38 p.m.
Yes it seems to have worked, thanks.
However, Google says: "We've temporarily exceeded our capacity. Please try again soon."
Luddite that I am, I was only just now about to join Facebook, but maybe everyone will be switching to Google instead, and FB will go the way of Myspace.
7/3/11 11:40 p.m.
:( I only know two people on Google+
the person who invited me knows 30