Try responding in Shakespearean prose and see what comes back.
carguy123 wrote: What's worse is the internal mind thread going on behind the post. What would it be like to be inside his head?
Ah, the death of America begins with a generation unable to think clearly enough to care about whether their communication conveys meaning. I used to be responsible for hiring and firing. Spelling, grammar, and penmanship (now that's a foreign concept!) were my initial litmus tests. But now that would just mean that I wouldn't hire anybody under 40. (sigh) Write him back and explain that you do not have a clue what he was trying to convey, and ask him to respond in an articulate fashion. Go ahead and use big words like that. Then wait for the response that, in similarly inarticulate and incoherent fashion, will attempt to explain that he (or she) is a victim of our culture, and that you are a racist/elitist for expecting anything else. (deeper sigh)
pstrbrc wrote:carguy123 wrote: What's worse is the internal mind thread going on behind the post. What would it be like to be inside his head?Ah, the death of America begins with a generation unable to think clearly enough to care about whether their communication conveys meaning. I used to be responsible for hiring and firing. Spelling, grammar, and penmanship (now that's a foreign concept!) were my initial litmus tests. But now that would just mean that I wouldn't hire anybody under 40. (sigh) Write him back and explain that you do not have a clue what he was trying to convey, and ask him to respond in an articulate fashion. Go ahead and use big words like that. Then wait for the response that, in similarly inarticulate and incoherent fashion, will attempt to explain that he (or she) is a victim of our culture, and that you are a racist/elitist for expecting anything else. (deeper sigh)
Egad! I could have written that! Who are you and how are you able to read my thoughts?
ransom wrote:DukeOfUndersteer wrote: it was a drifter, trying to type with a PBR in one hand and a cig in the other...Benefit of the doubt sometimes helps. Sometimes it's quite a reach.
That link is wonderful
The Alot is an imaginary creature that I made up to help me deal with my compulsive need to correct other people's grammar. It kind of looks like a cross between a bear, a yak and a pug, and it has provided hours of entertainment for me in a situation where I'd normally be left feeling angry and disillusioned with the world. For example, when I read the sentence "I care about this alot," this is what I imagine:
Rob_Mopar wrote: Try responding in Shakespearean prose and see what comes back.![]()
now we have a winner...
if I ever sell anything on Craig's List.. I will have to write it up in iambic pentameter
stan wrote: A pet peave of mine -I have many. You just have to wonder if people are too lazy, stupid or just don't care. (I have MY opinion...).
My pet peeve is when people complain about spelling and then misspell "peeve."
Will wrote:stan wrote: A pet peave of mine -I have many. You just have to wonder if people are too lazy, stupid or just don't care. (I have MY opinion...).My pet peeve is when people complain about spelling and then misspell "peeve."
BLAH!!!1! You beat me to it!!!!
<--Grammar Nazi
u gyes rly need to liten up i meen thu gy is prolly doin the best the hee can srsly tho wen all thu peepel just txt massage thees days and onlee yous wurds that r too leters long wut can u rlly espect frum them i meen jus axe them to speek to u and it prolly woodint sownd much diffront...
The best part about the prevalence of poor communication is that it gives those who put in two seconds of effort a bit of a leg up. Whoa, this guy used punctuation! He must be serious.
1988RedT2 wrote: Egad! I could have written that! Who are you and how are you able to read my thoughts?
Just a new guy who hopes, nay, aspires to your post total (1164, as of this instant) in as quick a time as you. That, and I'm psychic. Or, at least, I watch The Mentalist.
As bad as I suck at spelling and grammar that was pretty bad. I make an effort for you guys and still screw it up regularly. Be glad for spell check and I promise to never post from my phone. The punctuation you will just have to deal with.
MitchellC wrote: The best part about the prevalence of poor communication is that it gives those who put in two seconds of effort a bit of a leg up. Whoa, this guy used punctuation! He must be serious.
Written, quite nicely, by a young guy, at least compared to the typical GRM crowd!
Will wrote:stan wrote: A pet peave of mine -I have many. You just have to wonder if people are too lazy, stupid or just don't care. (I have MY opinion...).My pet peeve is when people complain about spelling and then misspell "peeve."
You have a very small "peave".
I have a Journalism degree and work as a writer.
I had to learn to ignore the troglodytes and philistines long ago, lest my head explode from the ignorance.
Although I always find it funny when the "grammar Nazi's" make a mistake whilst trying to point out someone elses mistake.
I just don't understand why people of my generation and younger (I'm 29) think its cool to be uneducated.
pstrbrc wrote:1988RedT2 wrote: Egad! I could have written that! Who are you and how are you able to read my thoughts?Just a new guy who hopes, nay, aspires to your post total (1164, as of this instant) in as quick a time as you. That, and I'm psychic. Or, at least, I watch The Mentalist.![]()
Or there is a possibility you are a mental psychilist.
I think I made a new word there, maybe not such a great idea after reading this thread.
z31maniac wrote: I have a Journalism degree and work as a writer. I had to learn to ignore the troglodytes and philistines long ago, lest my head explode from the ignorance. Although I always find it funny when the "grammar Nazi's" make a mistake whilst trying to point out someone elses mistake. I just don't understand why people of my generation and younger (I'm 29) think its cool to be uneducated.
You mean like the apostrophe you put in "Nazi's"? Apostrophes indicate possession or contraction, not plurality.
Edit to add: you should transfer that apostrophe in "elses."
z31maniac wrote: I just don't understand why people of my generation and younger (I'm 29) think its cool to be uneducated.
I wish I knew.. I work in theatre, I am a stage electrician and it took me many years to get here. Yet, people I work with and myself noted the other day.. I am one of the Youngest Stage Electricians around at 40. There are simply not many "kids" who want to go through all the trouble to learn what I know.. they would rather do the more menial tasks and get paid the same.
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