In reply to 92CelicaHalfTrac:
Go borrow my CM Class GT350 and drive 20 laps in it, then go drive your Celica. Should be about the equivalent of putting weights on a baseball bat while you warm up. 
I use the DFGT wheel, which I think makes a difference for being able to control the cars on comfort tires.
Heh, i may give that a shot.
Unfortunately, a wheel is not in my future. 
The wheel helps with everything in GT5 compared to the wheel, there's just no question. I want to get the DFGT myself, the G25 and 27 is ok, but I don't feel like shelling out that money when the DFGT is AS good.
Like I said Ben, I use the contoller too but I got used to the paddles instead of the buttons. I seemed to be able to control it fine, it was just a tad more loose than my GTR but I didn't really have a problem, I liked driving it. GT5 is whole different animal than GT4, it's all improved, even Yamauchi said himself lol
It's a banner day at the UCD... Got 'em today...
- Calsonic Skyline
- Spoon S2000 Race Car
- Ford GT '05 No Stripe
- Lotus Motorsport Elise
- AC '66 427 S/C
- VW Golf GTI Mk.I
- Shelby Series One (Orange stripe)
3/26/11 12:22 a.m.
In reply to NickF40:
I wouldn't say it's AS good. I went from a DFGT to a G25, and there is a noticable improvement in the steering feel (ignoring the different pedals and shift gate), but the DFGT is certainly 110% good enough. Though I did find the ps3 controller buttons on the wheel of the DFGT to be dang handy.
ugh I cant believe ive missed 2 weeks in a row, work has been killing me, I did manage to find the time to pick up a real '87 Corolla GTS that is now sitting in my driveway oh well i'll be there this week
Nice, I am officially jealous
Yeah, one of my favorite cars of all time, i'm so jealous! I can't find any near me that's even in decent shape
Yeah they either have one tire in the junk yard, are really nice and crazy expensive, or all drifted out and bashed up, but still crazy expensive.
im not saying its the nicest one out there but its completely rust free has a fresh motor and came with a boat load of spares including a cusco lsd that has never even been taken out of its original plastic and retails for over half what i paid for everything. i feel like i stole it from the guy.
3/27/11 12:27 a.m.
Hey, things are worth exactly what someone will sell it for/pay for it, it's just about the timing. You got it for exactly what it's worth, at the best possible time- when someone is selling it for cheap! Also pics or it didn't happen
yeah I know i've been hesitant to put pics up until I get the hood replaced from when the guy hit a deer, that's the only big body issue but it makes the thing look terrible... Oh and Nick you would like it, somewhere along the line someone decided to give it a leopard print headliner.
ohhh noice!! haha
ok, now I really do want to see this
3/27/11 11:05 p.m.
Looks like I won't be racing until I can fix this bug in the internet
I stay connected but I have noticed my signal has dropped from 85-100 to 75-90%?? The internet stays connected, I did the DNS trick and it's fine, I have Type 2, it just kicks me out of PSN every now and then, only really started recently with Netflix.
Sucks... do you have a separate router or use the built in one? Have your tried DD-WRT? It made a massive difference on my Linksys. Signal strength is up 10% for all devices, latency seems better, and I haven't been forced to reset the device since installing. It's worth a try, and not as hard as it seems. My recommendation is to download all pages of information you may need before starting... just in case you run into trouble.
3/28/11 12:27 p.m.
Well it seems to be working fine for now, restarted the router. My router isn't supported with the DD-WRT
Wednesday picking up Shift 2.....ohhh boy
yeah im trying to get some trade ins together to pick that one up as well
haha I got a few trade ins. If it's as good as the videos are showing and they say then this game will just be...........epic. lol
You all need to get Black Ops. I'm starting to get bored with it, and it would be more fun with friends.
I have Black Ops but when GT5 came out I stopped playing it
yeah I actually got bored with Black Ops lol
I need better internet and a router.......and a car
Car > router. well, i should qualify that: Car > router > boring car
3/29/11 8:49 a.m.
I bought another 4 million dollar car - this time a Pugeot. Not sure why I did that. I haven't really driven the last 4 million dollar car I bought - the GT F1 car.
The bad news is the purchase put me down to only $14k. I guess I'll need to do some A-spec and remote races to restock the bank account.
My laptimes at Grand Valley are about as fast as they are going to be as far as SBC goes. Need to work on a section in the Miata still.