On the GRM Facebook page is a post about a wheel swap being delayed due to locking lug bolts and a distinct lack of key for said lug bolts.
I made the obvious GRM message board response ( Shotgun ) and it received nary a 'like' or comment in response.
I guess the board and facebook page don't get much crossover traffic.
I would have liked it. Actually, I just commented and I doubt my over-the-top answer would get the respect it would get here.
facebook is for those without the sense of humor
Conquest351 wrote:
cghstang wrote:
On the GRM Facebook page is a post about a wheel swap being delayed due to locking lug bolts and a distinct lack of key for said lug bolts.
I made the obvious GRM message board response ( Shotgun ) and it received nary a 'like' or comment in response.
I guess the board and facebook page don't get much crossover traffic.
I liked it for you. ;)
As did I.
Nowquityerbitchinforberkssake :)
Shotgun is my answer to Facebook. 
6/5/13 12:51 p.m.
patgizz wrote:
facebook is for those without the sense of humor
My wife would disagree with you, especially with all the funny stuff she finds or posts. Same with the posts from her improv comedy troupe.
As in everything, it's in how you use it, not the thing itself.
6/5/13 12:54 p.m.
Wait, grm actually has a facebook page.......how original....
Ian F
6/5/13 1:00 p.m.
Dunno... the "What Engine Swap - but NO LS!" post on FB got something like 300 replies within a couple of hours the last time I looked. Most were single line jabs though and didn't have the "conversational feel" a forum thread usually does. I looked at it, said "meh..." and moved on to the next cute cat/dog picture one of my friends (who I haven't seen in years...) posted a link to...
Just wait till you use Berkley in normal conversations.
What in the berkley does berkley mean?
Or E36 m3?
... And you kids, get off my lawn!
Appleseed wrote:
Just wait till you use Berkley in normal conversations.
In effort to keep the board work / family friendly, we sub a few cuss words for other things.
Berkley = f-bomb, E36M3 = s - word
I'll let everyone else chime in for more
paranoid_android74 wrote:
What in the berkley does berkley mean?
see, you're already getting it!
I feel so much better now!
Thank you for taking pity on a new guy...
Gearheadotaku wrote:
In effort to keep the board work / family friendly, we sub a few cuss words for other things.
Berkley = f-bomb, E36M3 = s - word
I'll let everyone else chime in for more
Berkeley already made it to that facebook post. You're welcome.