Alrighty, time to show off my loot! I'm not sure who mine is from at this point, but they sure did a good job!
Is this the proper way to show off my box and cover the address label?

The view inside:

Those glasses deserve a selfie. No shame here.

T-Shirts! Porshce, (BMW) ///M, and a Matco Tools. Unfortunately too small for me, even if I was a more appropiate weight. On the plus side, I can give them to my wife to wear. Hmm, wife in car shirts. Nice.

Next we can see a gand view of everything:

Zooming in, first off we have some sweet stickers and some sort of balast. Seems like some sort of artistic stone? I dunno.

Next up, the food. Cliff bar, flruit snacks, Arby's BBQ Sauce, Gravy, Gravy Mix, Tomato paste. Random, and hilarious! Also, some temporary hair color. (I will try this...) And a coozie with a fish on it.

Next we have some floppy disks, with a serial cable and manual. Possibly for some early standalone ECU type of thing?

Toy story PEZ dispensers, and some twizzlers.

Some cool (homemade?) tick-tack-toe boards.

Gasket material, LED strips, LED bulbs (which might be just what I needed fore the miata dash actually!), and a belt. Haven't looked up the belt yet. Also you can kinda see the tube of grease, and ping pong ball.

Some tiny gift bags, and a Nissan parts box.

A larger washer, and some cute snow man clothespins! Also not sure who is on the paper thing there, pretty sure it's from a TV show.

100' tape measure. Awesome! This will be put to use.

Some sort of coil module? Maybe related to those floppy disks? Also some vials with magnets on the tops.

And finally, my favorite part, and newest desk ornament: The sparkly blue piston!

Thanks again to whoever you are!