Ok, after a bit of a delay, time to show of my new stuff!

My box also had a bit of a menu thanks to customs, although only cookies and small car parts were listed.

Nice and full, a boost gauge, letter and brown paper to kick things off, I'm liking it already!

A letter from Robbie containing greetings from Chicago and a bit of a run down as to what's in the box. Beer is mentioned, so no time for further reading, time to find said beer!

Brown paper feels heavy, making liquid type noises, this must be the beer! Or Robbie's playing some kind of cruel joke.

It is beer! It feels like you know me so well hahaha. It immediately went in the fridge, will report back on it once sufficiently chilled.

Now onto the rest of the loot! Boost gauge, pattern opperated padlock, obligatory stickers, Luz Anderson auto museum trophy for best specialty car. A bag of drill bits from the mr2 parking lot build (that's awesome, and about as close to the challenge as I'll be getting for the foreseeable future)

Next up we have a pair of floormat shaped coasters, a set of red anodised valve caps, a husky 10mm spanner (used and regifted, I'll see if I can engrave it and regift it again), a sta-lube bottle opener (perfect for the beer!), An antenna to suit ?? (Cool none the less), more sticker, a Datsun 510 badge (very awesome, wouldn't find one in Australia easily as they were sold as Datsun 1600's), a bmw bbs rim center cap, a cool little Fiat? Which has rather temperamental wheels and tyres (sooooo, definitely Fiat), part of the beers packaging and lastly a box of trader Joe's candy cane flavoured Joe Joe's (I've got a bit of a sweet tooth, so looking forward to trying them)

Several hours later, the all important moment arrived! Time to test out the beer!, Krank shaft kolsch, it poured really nicely and tasted great, thanks so much!
Thanks for everything Robbie, awesome