Woody (Forum Supportum) said:
In reply to AAZCD (Forum Supporter) :
So I have to know...
Did you own one, or did all that stuff come from a trip to the junkyard?
And did you know what the roof rack torque wrench was?
I've owned three Volvo 850s. The transmission gave out on the '96 my son drove. The (95?) turbo was beat when I got it and I resold it pretty quick. My daughter totaled the last one in '07. 16 years old and had her license for a couple months. T-boned by an Expedition at highway speed. She was sore, but unhurt. Solid, safe car. I was never sure about the wrench. It was in the glove box and I thought it might somehow be for the sunroof.
Man, every year I'm reminded that next year, I gotta step up my New Years Game game.
And every year, I forget. Sorry, Utah.
I got my package today from sunny California, way earlier than I expected, but unfortunately with a split in the corner.
I don't blame my very thin, middle aged, cat loving, hippie postal delivery woman for it for the fact that it looks like the USPS used a trebuchet to send it to Raleigh.

I'm won't open this one (any more than it is) until the one I'm sending is in the mail. Hopefully that'll happen tomorrow, if not certainly on Wednesday.
A package arrived today.

My assistants are ready.

Cool art work on the box that matched a drawing we later found in the box.

And the box is open.

First impression got ignition wires ,several hot wheels, I see zip ties and stickers.

And the haul. Steering wheel cover, a spring, Stickers, shop towel, stereo pulling tool and a screwdriver size pocket. Going to have fun figureing out what the plug wires fit, the Tach looks to be more of an art piece than useable part, but I could be wrong. Two last items a weighty shift knob and a hose clamp.
The screwdriver, stereo tool and hot wheels were claimed by my assistants. I also gave them the two football cards. The rest I had to hide in my shop before they stole it all.
Thank you to my GRM Kentucky gifter from middle of nowhere NC. Another great year.
In reply to LopRacer :
Oh so that's who you are, Cool. The tach probably still works but is slightly bent. It came out of an '84 Trans Am parts car. Good luck on the plug wires, I never figured what they were for either.
And I'm usually not the artsy one around here but I got a bit inspired. Also the spring is from an '89 Caprice hood hinge.
In reply to LopRacer :

That MatchBox in the lower left looks like the elusive (and highly sought after) Poop King. Nice score!
I have my package finally done and it is headed off to the Great White North tomorrow.
I got my package from Michigan over the weekend... I hope to have mine going west by early next week due to crappy weather and crappier work schedule.
In reply to Indy "Nub" Guy :
The Poop King was the first one they opened, and they already have one of them, so now they can have battling Poop kings.
In reply to Daylan C (Forum Supporter) :
Thank you I am glad to know where the tach and spring originate from, I agree the plug wires may spend the next year trying to ID and then send them off next year with my box. LOL
I was able to pick up my goodie box from the Post Office today.
An excellent haul! Hot wheels Porsche, Land Rover and Subaru so I can play on my youngest son's new hot wheels track, a battery powered some light, Porsche? Shift knob, tool tool and some wrenches, Porsche lanyard, scraper, punch, metric allen wrench set (these will come in handy!) , A pair of mystery injectors, impact screwdriver, two mystery plastic tools, a pair of casters, an awesome metal rose, marker lights, sprockets, a bottle of sockets, two awesome t shirts, hot rod magizines from the 60s, and miscellaneous stickers.
Thank you to classicJackets!
Did everybody put a Hot Wheels in their box? It's almost a requirement :)
Shots fired. My box begans its long trip across the pond just over an hour ago.
1/5/21 6:44 a.m.
New York Nick said:
In reply to glueguy (Forum Supporter) :
This is an old pic but it's all I had laying around. This is from my second year as a clown (2008). Believe me I am a much better clown now!

I did not realize that the bubble gum card with the clown on it was YOU! Well done!
In reply to thedoc :
I am a chronic dabbler... clown, golf, RC planes, cars, fabrication, archery, etc. They all seem to come and go in cycles.
My USPS tracking says my junk...err, "gift" should be arriving today in Waynesboro, PA. 
Cool! I've been notified I have my GRM package!
Looking forward to getting home and seeing what I received.
I still haven't been able to track down a box. Trying another post office tomorrow.
In reply to bgkast (Forum Supporter) :
Glad everything got there!
The blue plastic tool is for a Datsun L-series timing chain (for head removal), the mystery injectors are for a Lima 2.3T, and the orange plastic tool is truly a mystery tool, but now it's your mystery tool : )
The 2 aluminum pieces came from a table saw edge, and I had been keeping them around to use as a "straight edge" with a marker. I did make the rose, it's been rusting it's way to being an orange/red rose, or could be evaporusted back clean.
1/5/21 3:11 p.m.
New York Nick said:
In reply to thedoc :
I am a chronic dabbler... clown, golf, RC planes, cars, fabrication, archery, etc. They all seem to come and go in cycles.
I forgot to mention that our cat's nickname is, (wait for it), Lug Nut!
1/5/21 3:34 p.m.
My tracking numbers tell me my package was delivered. Everyone check your porch!
I'm watching with glee as my package homes in on its victim, but on the back of my mind I know there's a set of crosshairs on me too. Somewhere out there a big box of problems is barreling towards me. And it's probably covered in pancake syrup.
AWSX1686 (Forum Supporter) said:
The one I sent out claims it is out for delivery today. It was originally due in NYE, but ya know...
The Eagle has landed.

The post office damaged it in transit....

My son is at Basketball practice, and I promised him I wouldn't open it without him. So later tonight.......