I finally got my outgoing box off last week, so I took the opportunity this weekend to unbox the incoming, and what a haul; thanks to the sender! I was a bit worried because it arrived quite a bit worse for the wear, and was almost 33 pounds. It looks like some Postal worker added some clear packing tape along the way to help keep stuff in the box; thanks USPS!

I flipped it over and opened it up, and was relieved to see a box packed full of great stuff. The initial layer started off with stickers, including a BBQ joint from NC, plus I see I'm not the only motorcyclist to also dabble in the four-wheeled stuff on occasion.

Digging down to layer two got exciting. Clockwise from upper left: toy horse, mystery heavy cloth bag, fuses, laser level/screwdriver set, P clamps (hehehe...I sent some out this year, plus I got some,
) a locking extension cord connector (very timely...not sure if it was the result of top-tier stalking, or just a lucky guess, but very much appreciated either way,) toy helicopter, and picture hangers (also very timely.)

I started getting really excited and was digging with wild abandon at this point. The toy horse is more visible now, and some jumper cables are beginning to appear. There was an orange toy car, a blue tool wrap containing an awesome set of shorty combination wrenches (wow!) some heavy rings I couldn't ID, but that first had my mind leaping to how useful they might be for pressing, and a big 'ol bottle of chrome wheel cleaner. I don't have any chrome wheels at the moment, but what better excuse to start shopping for a project a bit more on the vintage side?
I set the heavy cloth bag aside for now.

The Matchbox must have fallen victim to the sheer weight of goodies in the box, and as a result it has a charming demolition-derby vibe to it.

By now I was exclaiming out loud, and I might have let out some "woo-hoo!" type sounds that probably got the neighbors wondering. A little further down was a well-loved pipe wrench, a gigantic screwdriver blade, more fuses and P clamps, including one fuse that must have pissed off the pipe wrench somewhere along the journey.
Not pictured were a new spray sock, and a package of 3M outdoor moisture guard wiring connectors.

Before opening the box, I could see what looked like a hairy board peeking out of the hole in the box, and it looked like I had found it, along with the screwdriver blade and 2/3 of a package of masonry bits.

Well, it looks like an off-cut of something wood and fiberglass. Maybe something boat-ish? I have no real idea, I'm a total landlubber who thinks of water as dark/cold/drowny, and tries to keep it in the coming-out-of-the-tap or looking-at-it-from-a-distance realms.

I finally dug into the heavy cloth sack, and I'm sure my neighbors heard me yelling about this stuff, and it wasn't just the second beer talking! A great collection of cutting/machining tools, and a surprisingly lightweight piston/rod assembly, a horseshoe, plus some bolts with castellated nuts. The connecting rod cap is very interesting with some sort of oil slinger, or counterweight in a blade/fin shape on the very bottom. I'm excited to examine all the tools more closely and see what all we have in detail. My grandfather was a machinist, and I have many of his cutting tools, a few of which are useful and others of which are just part of my collection, so this stuff is really awesome for me.

Here's the entire loot laid out; thanks to gumby...I think?