So, unboxing time for this wonder shipped so carefully from the final mainland addition to the Union. BS#2 is ready for the ritual opening and first look. What focus he has. We spend 5 minutes continually rotating the box to deal with the conflicting directional instructions, making sure everything is nice and well shaken. Oh, treasures!

To start there is a rolled up piece of some lovely vinyl with shameless promoting, this will make an excellent tarp.

Next we discover slightly used HB3 headlights, apparently from the aftermath of an LED swap.

A new best friend/Aldi Festivus decoration!

I'm honestly baffled by this box of mystery pieces. Some kind of cutting apparatus missing the primary part? Wiser folks will enlighten me, I'm sure. Also the requisite death wheels (in a size I use), and some worn HF cable cutters!

Prizes from Aichi/Koromo! (Not quite sure what the final words are on here) I'll see if they work on the Sienna, if it ever has something fail.

I've never done this, but always wanted to try it. Hopefully I can figure out how to get the results back to me. Also digging the EBay motors card tool.

Wow, the extravagance! Not just red tools, but made in German also!

Some kind of corner-forming metal working tool? Please let me know.

A pile of dirty laundry, some of which may come close to fitting. SWMBO is not pleased, but I am.

The big package! It seems to be a carb from a 70's Honda bike? Now i just need to collect the rest of the set and assemble.

A few stickers, rattle cans of Plasti-Dip, some fuses, tools, candy, bits-n-bobs and a booby, literature from the commercial Amish area of PA (5 hours from my old home, but I did go on the Strasburg Railroad as a tyke), toys, some bearings and seals, an O2 sensor, ignition wires that went through Naperville, Ill at some point that will get used as 10 Awg wire for projects, and electronics that you need a 2nd piece to use. Items sorted roughly by category.

An excellent haul with many fine items! Approval rating, 5-stars. As someone who had BS#1 do the artwork on my outgoing box, I appreciated all the descriptive language on the packaging and will consider that for myself in future iterations. I failed to get better pictures of what seems to be 3-D printed (TPU?) Octopi giving 8 middle-digit salutes.

Thanks mystery sender who real name I will continue to keep in secret for future stalking protection. Did you know I was from PA, or was that random? 2 of my favorites are here. This SEMA swag coaster/bottle opener is already in the garage, and the minicell will be used as outfitting and glued into canoes/kayaks. Also, this little hook is already installed in the garage! A few items will be put in the box for next year, please let me know if there are specific legacy items as I do recognize some repeaters here. Super fun first-time doing this and will continue as long as I have junk. Thanks again, and thanks to HoserRacing for putting this together! My box was finally delivered yesterday (a week late) so hopefully there is another update soon. Happy 2025 GRM!