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DirtyBird222 HalfDork
2/28/09 7:01 p.m.

Entertaining and Frightening all in one...glad I live in Florida and no where near that armpit. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mGQD-ySLy6Q

Volksroddin HalfDork
2/28/09 7:11 p.m.

the last 40 seconds was the best part.

Luke Dork
2/28/09 7:23 p.m.

Wow . A fascinating insight into the natural habitat of the over-gelled Douche King, and his over-tanned female equivalent.

Amy was kinda hot, but.

DirtyBird222 HalfDork
2/28/09 7:35 p.m.

I'm surprised psychologists, sociologists, other people who study behavior and norms, haven't made an extreme study out of this sub-culture...wait I have to be PC "co-culture."

Goldmember Reader
2/28/09 9:10 p.m.


Is this what happens when society phases out "Natural Selection" through advances in medecine and creation of BS laws that protect us from ourselves?

pete240z HalfDork
2/28/09 9:17 p.m.

my job is changing and i will be handling sales for the entire east coast.

they are going to eat me alive in new jersey.

mad_machine SuperDork
2/28/09 9:19 p.m.

I live near that armpit.. and unfortunately, 4 nights a week during the summer.. have to deal with that "sub species" at "the pool" at harrah's Atlantic City.

They are certainly different, they have a LOT of money to burn, and generally are not too obnoxious.. just not the kind of people I want to let behind the rope when when I mixing for a DJ

ignorant SuperDork
2/28/09 9:47 p.m.
Goldmember wrote: WTF???? Is this what happens when society phases out "Natural Selection" through advances in medecine and creation of BS laws that protect us from ourselves?

see idiocracy.. But the more intelligent people start having babies later in life and produce only 1 child while meatheads berkeley everything..

sector7 New Reader
2/28/09 11:15 p.m.

just another reason why a) i never leave the house. and b) why i am glad i dont goto the jersey shore or any beach for that matter.

924guy HalfDork
3/1/09 1:51 a.m.

i book marked that one, for any time i even remotely think i want to move back up north. >>>shivers<<<

HappyAndy Reader
3/2/09 7:48 a.m.

I had nightmares last night because of this!

Jensenman SuperDork
3/2/09 8:08 a.m.

Man. I'm staying down here.

ignorant SuperDork
3/2/09 8:14 a.m.
Jensenman wrote: Man. I'm staying down here.

I've met the same ilk with a different accent and slightly different mannerisms in the market street saloon downtown...

Wally SuperDork
3/2/09 9:05 a.m.
Jensenman wrote: Man. I'm staying down here.

You don't think some of them head to Myrtle Beach when it gets cold up here?

Jensenman SuperDork
3/2/09 9:06 a.m.

Yeah, the Guidos (and similar) come down here. The best thing is they generally decide we are too backwards and they go back where they came from.

Monkeywrench Reader
3/2/09 10:22 a.m.

I'm from the Jersey shore and this is NOT an accurate representation of the southern part of the state. Guidos are a North Jersey phenomenon. The southern part of the state has tried to secede from the north on several occasions to no avail.

JThw8 Dork
3/2/09 10:29 a.m.
Monkeywrench wrote: I'm from the Jersey shore and this is NOT an accurate representation of the Southern part of the state. Guidos are a North Jersey phenomenon. The southern part of the state has tried to succeed from the north on several occasions to no avail.

And we will continue to try!

Jensenman SuperDork
3/2/09 10:34 a.m.

Hey, if we couldn't secede and make it stick then y'all can't either.

mad_machine SuperDork
3/2/09 10:40 a.m.

heeee... the south will seceed one day!

Mostly we are tired of North Jersey siphoning off all our money and giving our end of the state a bad name in return

Black Stig
Black Stig Reader
3/2/09 10:47 a.m.
Jensenman wrote: Man. I'm staying down here.


minimac Dork
3/2/09 4:57 p.m.
mad_machine wrote: heeee... the south will seceed one day! Mostly we are tired of North Jersey siphoning off all our money and giving our end of the state a bad name in return

We'll leave you your money, if you guys stop marrying all of our whores and taking them away!

oldsaw Reader
3/2/09 5:17 p.m.
minimac wrote:
mad_machine wrote: heeee... the south will seceed one day! Mostly we are tired of North Jersey siphoning off all our money and giving our end of the state a bad name in return
We'll leave you your money, if you guys stop marrying all of our whores and taking them away!

I lived in southern Jersey a few years while completing college. Nearly half the students were from the 'upper" half of the state and routinely went home every weekend. Yet, there was no shortage of "ho's" in town.

If you cannot find any, it might be that they have traveled elsewhere to find their pots-o-gold.

And if they head south and away from the A.C. area, they may not be ho's, but just women seeking better mating material.

There's good reason the South Jersey "secessionist" movement prevails; the rest of the state arguably sucks more than just revenues.

cwh Dork
3/2/09 5:18 p.m.

Same thing in Fla. North takes the tax money, shortchanges the south. Anything south of Lake Okeechobee is just considered North Cuba by our state lawmakers. But, when the weather gets nasty, the Guidos head for south FL, instead of beautiful (sarcasm) Jacksonville. They are right at home in South Beach.

Wally SuperDork
3/2/09 5:19 p.m.
Monkeywrench wrote: I'm from the Jersey shore and this is NOT an accurate representation of the southern part of the state. Guidos are a North Jersey phenomenon. The southern part of the state has tried to secede from the north on several occasions to no avail.

You may not have Guidos, but you do have Camden. I'd rather have the greasy muscleheads

mad_machine SuperDork
3/2/09 5:22 p.m.

I heard we were giving camden (except for the waterfront) to Philly

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