2/19/13 5:44 a.m.
TTAG said:
Colorado House of Representatives had four gun control bills on its docket for final passage today. HB 1229 requires universal background checks. HB1226 revokes campus carry. HB 1228 passes the cost of running CBI background checks on to prospective gun buyers and HB1224 would limit magazine capacity to 15 rounds. [....] All four were approved
i still get a kick out of this clip of Ice T talking about gun control...
2/19/13 10:52 a.m.
madmallard wrote:
i still get a kick out of this clip of Ice T talking about gun control...
I agreed with the first comment.....the comment about the natives however, the answer there is that at the time, they would have been wiped completely out.
2/19/13 10:52 a.m.
Fueled by Caffeine wrote:
Gotta love democracy. It's what the majority wants.
Except it's not what the majority wants. It's what a very vocal minority wants.
The majority is too retarded from years of not paying attention and stuffing themselves full of pizza pockets to know what they want.
2/19/13 11:04 a.m.
Sad but true......most americans seriously DGAF
2/19/13 11:08 a.m.
yamaha wrote:
Sad but true......most americans seriously DGAF
Survivor contestants get more attention than any of this, you're right. It's sad.
That show is still on, right?
2/19/13 11:23 a.m.
tuna55 wrote:
That show is still on, right?
probably, I am just glad I don't have antenna, cable, or dish hookup at my house for TV. berkeley TV.
There are only 4 things I regularly watch anymore, TGUK, Justified, The Americans, and Conti series. All DVR'd at my parents for my viewing pleasure so I can skip commercials. They rest is mindless chatter to me.
I do DVR the 24hrs of LeMans every year though. 
2/19/13 11:28 a.m.
yamaha wrote:
tuna55 wrote:
That show is still on, right?
probably, I am just glad I don't have antenna, cable, or dish hookup at my house for TV. berkeley TV.
There are only 4 things I regularly watch anymore, TGUK, Justified, The Americans, and Conti series. All DVR'd at my parents for my viewing pleasure so I can skip commercials. They rest is mindless chatter to me.
I do DVR the 24hrs of LeMans every year though.
Dude, we're brothers. I have netflix. That's it. I own one TV, upstairs we use a computer monitor. Both are right at 24 or 26". Screw TV indeed.
I'll watch racing, my wife watches basketball, I'll do TGUK reruns and she does Flying Alaska reruns.
Grizz wrote:
Fueled by Caffeine wrote:
Gotta love democracy. It's what the majority wants.
Except it's not what the majority wants. It's what a very vocal minority wants.
The majority is too retarded from years of not paying attention and stuffing themselves full of pizza pockets to know what they want.
Ahh the sheeple defense. Nice. Maybe you don't want to admit that the majority of folks have a differing opinion than you.
Not a true Democracy though, that is for Pirates and Athenians. We are a Republic with a Representative Democracy... rather different.
Fueled by Caffeine wrote:
Ahh the sheeple defense. Nice. Maybe you don't want to admit that the majority of folks have a differing opinion than you.
I thought you had decided to not continue your old ways of just arguing and being a butt-head for the sake of arguing and being a butt-head? That is, being a troll; just typing in stuff to try to get people stirred up? Things that boring for you these days?
Dr. Hess wrote:
Fueled by Caffeine wrote:
Ahh the sheeple defense. Nice. Maybe you don't want to admit that the majority of folks have a differing opinion than you.
I thought you had decided to not continue your old ways of just arguing and being a butt-head for the sake of arguing and being a butt-head? That is, being a troll; just typing in stuff to try to get people stirred up? Things that boring for you these days?
Dead yet?
Come on man. Take a chill pill.
My points were made not to stir people up. It's just that many times when people disagree with someone they discount their opinion wholesale by saying the person must be stupid. Noone actually says, maybe thy have a point.
You are just saying that because you are stupid! 
Anyway, I thought you guys might like this quote, from the guy that wrote Freakonomics:
"My view, which basically has to be true, is that NOTHING that the government does to the flow of new guns can possibly affect gun violence much. There are already 300 million guns out there! They will be around for the next 50 years. The cat is out of the bag."
I must say, I fully agree with the statement.
aircooled wrote:
You are just saying that because you are stupid!
Btw. Love the freakonomics guy. So true
"One of the major gun-control efforts in Olympia this session calls for the sheriff to inspect the homes of assault-weapon owners. The bill’s backers say that was a mistake."
rainydave wrote:
"One of the major gun-control efforts in Olympia this session calls for the sheriff to inspect the homes of assault-weapon owners. The bill’s backers say that was a mistake."
this was posted on the previous page i think, but the problem is that the same people in Olympia have been proposing the exact same wording for the last several years, plus it is in, iirc, the NJ and a couple other bill in the NE as well. i'm guessing they all came from upon high in the Dem organization.
2/19/13 5:47 p.m.
Fueled by Caffeine wrote:
Ahh the sheeple defense. Nice. Maybe you don't want to admit that the majority of folks have a differing opinion than you.
The sheeple defense is accurate, especially when you consider a few things.
Around, what, a third of the nation owns guns? That seems to be quite the minority. More people either own guns or have no thoughts on them. You, sir, are in the minority, you just refuse to shut up with your berkeleywittery and help retards like Bloomberg get into office.
The only time most people have an opinion on something like this is when something bad happens. Then you have a couple of months where everyone and their cousin is talking about something they know nothing about until the next big thing distracts them. It's happened with every shooting, disaster, military action, or retarded internet cause out there. Remember Kony? And how we HAD to do something? Or Libya? Or Aurora? Or Giffords? Or how about Sandy? Barely anyone talks about that anymore.
E36 M3 goes in cycles, something happens, it's big news, something else happens, everyone forgets.
People don't forget, the media and politicians purposely avoid the topic after time. Problem (for gun rights activists) is there hasn't been a long enough time between senseless mass killings to push it under the rug as usual.
A majority of Americans support stronger gun control legislation-
According to the survey, released today, a majority of Americans support a wide array of policies being discussed in Congress: 89 percent support closing the so-called gun show loophole by requiring background checks for all firearms sale; 69 percent support banning the sale of semiautomatic assault weapons; while 68 percent support banning the sale of large-capacity ammunition magazines.
2/19/13 6:04 p.m.
In reply to Cone_Junky:
89% support making private sales illegal.
69% support banning an item based on aesthetics and a term that doesn't actually mean anything.
68% support banning magazines that come with guns from the factory and are not high capacity versions.
Nice to have my worldview that most people are worthless morons reinforced.
2/19/13 6:15 p.m.
In reply to Cone_Junky:
And depending their audience the poll targets, you can indeed pull statistics "Out of your ass" or so they say.
Never once have I heard of any of these polls calling or requesting anyone in my area. The problem is the same as always, the cities may hold more people, they do not however, hold the same amount of space. This nation is in a clash over city people and those in a rural setting.
In reply to fueled by caffeine:
I have a friend who is one of the biggest blue wearers in the world, he is also an editor for a local newspaper, and even he thinks all this legislation passed in other states is a joke. We don't agree on everything, but we just have discussions which can actually lead to a better understanding of each side.
You however, seem impossible to have a conversation with. I agree with 3 of 4 things, yet I am the bad person who has to be wrong?
Naturally, these are just my observations from watching and conversing with you for awhile. I could be wrong, I might not be, so take it how you want.
yamaha wrote:
In reply to fueled by caffeine:
I have a friend who is one of the biggest blue wearers in the world, he is also an editor for a local newspaper, and even he thinks all this legislation passed in other states is a joke. We don't agree on everything, but we just have discussions which can actually lead to a better understanding of each side.
You however, seem impossible to have a conversation with. I agree with 3 of 4 things, yet I am the bad person who has to be wrong?
Nope. Not at all man. I was probably a bit harsh and appologize.
The fear mongering thing gets my dander up. Same with the sheeple argument. Call it a personal limitation.
2/19/13 6:58 p.m.
In reply to Fueled by Caffeine:
Much better, thank you. I am seriously in the middle here. I understand not much of this could have been prevented as usual, therefore no reason to ban things.
Conversely, there have some reasonable ideas besides the "ZOMG THEY BE THE BAD" attitude.
As long as they don't try pricing out of the ballpark on background checks, dealers don't attempt to stranglehold on private transfers(this fee already varies), and I am able to not become a criminal overnight for not surrendering property I PAID MONEY FOR, I don't really mind. For every good thing, there has been 20 absolutely retarded proposals from both sides.