Yesterday on I80/I294 through Indiana and up through Michigan I saw:
Dude eating a packaged lean cuisine type meal and steering with his leg. I "almost" wanted to swerve over a little to see what he would do. I didn't.
Dude suddenly swerves over two lanes because he came up QUICKLY on the car next to me. Yeah, he was texting.
Many folks texting.
The above I see all the time. Then that chick shaving to "get ready" for her date with her boyfriend......what wierd stuff have you seen lately?
3/18/10 7:41 a.m.
Spotted today:
What I thought was an attractive woman riding some archaic looking Royal Enfield motorcycle from the '30s, hair blowing in the wind and all. Caught a glimpse of the rear view mirror and it turned out to be a skinny bloke with a ponytail instead. Still cool, though, and sounded like a machine gun when he was on the throttle, (deep "rat-a-tat-tat!")
Some years ago I got passed by a Nissan Altima on a 6 lane urban road with a 50 MPH speed limit. The driver was eating breakfast. And I mean grits eggs bacon etc with a fork, she was driving with her knees.
I like sitting at a stop light and counting how many people who are on their cell phones. Its usually around half the people going thru the intersection jibber jabbering on their phones...
A well-dressed woman in her 40's driving a clean E30, with a string tied around the wiper arms, operating the wipers manually from the string through the windows. I know it's not the distracted driver theme we're going with here, but it was a bit of a surprise. I'd expect that kind of behavior from one of us, not a middle aged banker!
3/18/10 9:52 a.m.
Saw a guy reading a book this morning - along with the usual cell phones, texting, mascara and shaving.
3/18/10 10:47 a.m.
i've eaten Sheetz cheese fryz before with fork while driving my work truck. it's a manual and i tow a trailer every day. i can't steer with my knee though, my steering column tilt mechanism is so sloppy that i cant put pressure upward with my knee. one day i will replace the column, have one for it.
3/18/10 12:01 p.m.
Last week, I 95 in Miami. Young Latin woman tailgating me at 60mph. Watching her in the mirror I could see her on the phone and doing her makeup at the same time, while right on my bumper. Could have made a few bucks, but had someplace to go.
First one I saw, several years ago on I 81. I was passing a car and looked over and the guy was reading a paperback.
I was aghast
but now I see it all of the time and try to stay far,far away.
Coming alongside a slightly slower car in inner-city freeway traffic yesterday I see she's on the phone and has her right hand palm up, inside the rim at 12:00. Must mean she's about to jerk it LEFT! Yep. Close one.
Does anyone know how anybody ever got the idea that this is a good way to use a steering wheel?
Around the holidays last year I was nearly sideswiped by a guy who had his entire upper torso in the back seat shifting presents around...I mean he was driving, hand on the wheel, turned completely backwards and mucking about in the back seat...on the freeway. If it werent the season of eternal joy, I woulda pulled him outa his car and pummeled him.
If you have ever been on the Jackie Robinson parkway in Queens, NY, you might remember it has a particularly nasty kink. Its a 4 lane parkway, but very very narrow. So if you are not prepared, it can surprise the hell out of you. As we approach it, the driver ahead of me sees the road narrow, and the kink... and goes into full-stop mode, stands on his brakes. So I, and the rest of the mid-day traffic have to as well, from about 55-60 to 10. My god it was scary, I stopped in time, but I had SUV's behind me... 
Pulled along side later, cellphone. Prob's blabbing on about how dangerious the JRP is...
oldtin wrote:
Saw a guy reading a book this morning - along with the usual cell phones, texting, mascara and shaving.
Thats just downright dangerous. I like to keep it safe. Thats why i put on my mascara after i shave. Both at the same time is just too much.
3/18/10 7:44 p.m.
Reading the newspaper, full fold out.
I figured he was checking the obits to see if he was in there yet.
Probably the best I have seen is a lady in rush hour traffic at 65mph folding cloths. Basket in the front passenger seat, Folded cloths stacked neatly on the back seat.
My brother once saw a woman eating a bowl of soup while driving on the freeway.
I can top all y'all. I'm an otr truck driver. Yesterday on I-78, I saw a very lonely guy taking maters into his own hand, so to speak.
...some things you just can't unsee
It's becoming common in Atlanta for the SUV drivers to move the aftermarket DVD screens mounted on the back of the front seat headrests up front so they can watch movies at night.
I had a friend in high school who had an old early-90s Buick that had marshmallow seats and leaned like crazy when you went around a turn. I went with him to some burger place for lunch one day and we were heading back to class down a well-known residential road that is so steep and curvy that it makes the 20 mph speed limit seem fast. He pulls out a burger and starts steering downhill with his knees at almost twice that speed. I almost crapped myself. It did manage to knock my wallet out of my pocket while I was sitting down, which I didn't notice until I got halfway to class.
3/18/10 10:58 p.m.
friedgreencorrado wrote:
It's becoming common in Atlanta for the SUV drivers to move the aftermarket DVD screens mounted on the back of the front seat headrests up front so they can watch movies at night.
I used to see the Donk Box and Bubble crowd cruise Buckhead (when it was still there) with 4 to 8 mini TVs pionted outward (so you could see they have TVs in their car)
I saw a mint 750 Honda. It was a good day.
I was following a small delivery van from the local Dodge dealer yesterday. Stopped behind them at a light I can barely see handlebars through the rear window & notice it looks like someone is hanging on to them.
Yep, sure enough. They were hauling a small motorscooter and rather than strap it in, there was a guy sitting on it to keep it upright. It was great watching him lean into the corners. :D
Mental wrote:
I used to see the Donk Box and Bubble crowd cruise Buckhead (when it was still there) with 4 to 8 mini TVs pionted outward (so you could see they have TVs in their car)
Yup, I believe it. I wonder what the wiring on some of those installs look like..
friedgreencorrado wrote:
Mental wrote:
I used to see the Donk Box and Bubble crowd cruise Buckhead (when it was still there) with 4 to 8 mini TVs pionted outward (so you could see they have TVs in their car)
Yup, I believe it. I wonder what the wiring on some of those installs look like..
Yup. During rushhour they would watch porn. Dont see it much any more.
friedgreencorrado wrote:
I wonder what the wiring on some of those installs look like..
I would say wire nuts. And electrical tape. Lots.