New Reader
3/20/10 4:36 p.m.
i have become a passenger for the last few months.. my wife has to drive me around since i had a mild stroke.. i have seen things i just cant believe that were always goin on. the usual newspaper and make up stuff. plus the girl makin her bf or hubby smile while drivin down the road. or even the guy or girl takin matters into there own ahnds to put a smile on there faces... just makes me wonder.
3/20/10 4:52 p.m.
Last week a woman ran through a school crossing (with a elementary child as a crossing guard holding the flag out in front of the car) without stopping going about 30, then turns into the school to drop of her child
3/20/10 4:56 p.m.
Similar thing happened in Austin, Tx. Dudes need to transport mattress so the put one dude in the back to hold it down while they do 65 on I35.
Well, dudes didn't realize that air pressure can move things. Or make things fly (like an aeroplane)
Well the mattress took off with dude on it. He did not survive the major head trauma
petegossett wrote:
I was following a small delivery van from the local Dodge dealer yesterday. Stopped behind them at a light I can barely see handlebars through the rear window & notice it looks like someone is hanging on to them.
Yep, sure enough. They were hauling a small motorscooter and rather than strap it in, there was a guy sitting on it to keep it upright. It was great watching him lean into the corners. :D
3/20/10 5:55 p.m.
The problem solved itself...
Told this tale before; late sixityish woman in a Grand Marquis reading furniture sale flyers on I-26 at ~9PM via the dome light.
Saw a bunch of Chrysler 300's come through the service drive with DVD monitors mounted on the sun visors.
You could tell they were FURNITURE sales flyers? She musta been HOT. 
This just happened yesterday here in MInneapolis...some woman was driving down the road when she reached for her cellphone that was laying on the floor; she ran into the car in front of her and killed a 14 month old boy. 
Appleseed wrote:
friedgreencorrado wrote:
I wonder what the wiring on some of those installs look like..
I would say wire nuts. And electrical tape. Lots.
Yeah. There's "grassroots", and then there's "ghetto". Ghetto begins when heat shrink tubing is considered too expensive.
And I say that not as a bigot, but as a former resident.
Funny thing, I've cleaned firearms while driving. I can fully takedown, clean and reassemble a remington 870 shotgun in an hour on the road. A .38 super colt takes 30 minutes tops, the pita there is getting the sear lined up while swerving across 4 lanes going 70.
You'll shoot your eye out, kid. Ho ho ho.
New Reader
3/23/10 5:38 p.m.
Toyman01 wrote:
Probably the best I have seen is a lady in rush hour traffic at 65mph folding cloths. Basket in the front passenger seat, Folded cloths stacked neatly on the back seat.
My wife had been complaining that she never has time to fold clothes- I'll have to tell her this technique, but make sure she only does it in Mt. P...
I used to see people reading newspapers/books all the time on my old 65 mile commute. I guess they figure if they are going to be sitting for 1.5 hours, they might as well catch up on the Oprah book club.
I was glad to get off that freeway...
barnca wrote:
plus the girl makin her bf or hubby smile while drivin down the road.
I am sure no one on this forum has done such a thing.