Well this afternoon turned out to have a bit more excitement than we had planned for. The girl friend and I were at home trying to have a lazy day as the last 5 or 6 weekends we have been constantly on the go.
We were sitting in the living room playing Halo Reach having a good time when I catch something out of the corner of my eye out the front window. I lean over to get a better view and see a fire in my neighbor across the streets side yard. I jump up tell my girl friend to call 911 and run across the street. I pound on their door, the wife is home alone with the kids (both are under 2), I tell her there is a fire on the side of the house and by then another neighbor has arrived and is helping her get the kids out of the house.
I get around to the side of the house and open the fence to the side yard. By this time the flames are a good 7 or 8 feet tall climbing their newly installed fence. I grab the garden hose and start spraying things down trying to keep the fire from spreading, the other side of the fence is an empty lot full of nothing but dry grass, on the other side of the lot is more homes. I get the flames tamed down a bit when the home owner comes out with an extinguisher and hands that to me to take care of the rest of it.
I then spent another 15 minutes or so checking over the burned areas to make sure there were no live embers left. The fire department arrived after everything was under control and I gave them the run down of what happened. The neighbor had apparently caught some fish and was smoking it. The fire was started by some spent wood chips that were dumped in a pan near the fence.
About 2 hours later the wife came across the street with a plate full of cookies for me. 
9/19/10 12:54 a.m.
Good save! I hear on civil service tests they put all the applicants in a room with two doors - one is the exit, the other is unknown. During the written exam smoke comes from under the unknown door and someone yells fire. The applicants that run for the exit are assigned to the police, the ones that run to the smoking door go to the fire dept. Looks like we know where your inclinations run.
good to be a hero.. good job!
Yeah the girl friend freaked when I went in the side yard where the fire was. Then later when I talked to my mom and told her about it she freaked because her brother died in a fire.
Funny thing is I normally close the front curtain when we play games or watch movies to cut down on glare on the screen. I had even thought about closing them and never did, its a good thing. We also had turned down going into the mountains with her parents to stay home and relax for the day.
9/19/10 4:59 p.m.
oldtin wrote:
Good save! I hear on civil service tests they put all the applicants in a room with two doors - one is the exit, the other is unknown. During the written exam smoke comes from under the unknown door and someone yells fire. The applicants that run for the exit are assigned to the police, the ones that run to the smoking door go to the fire dept. Looks like we know where your inclinations run.
Good Job. They teach us to lead the way to safety 
ignorant wrote:
good job....
Thats for you..
Its good having quick thinking neighbors!
Thanks guys. It was kind of funny that they were basically the only people on the block that I did not know already. Kind of an odd first meeting. but hey it works. I'm just glad they got away with such little damage, a burned up section of fence is quite a bit better than a burned up house.