Yesterday my 5 year old stepped on a nail. Today we went to the pediatrician to have it looked at. Now we're in the hospital at least overnight for IV antibiotics and such. I'll probably be posting a lot tonight in various threads that I would normally ignore. I hate hospitals.
1/24/13 6:02 p.m.
Sorry, man. That sounds like tons of no fun.
Sounds like the sort of thing where the little guy will be fine, but that doesn't make the hospital any more pleasant. I suppose boredom in unpleasant surroundings beats being too panicked to notice them...
Jesus! Overnight IV antibiotics for a nail in the foot!?!? I'm no doctor, but the only time I had IV antibiotics was when I had a life-threatening infection. That's either some kickass insurance or that sweet-ass Medicaid!
Either way, sorry for the kid, man!
poopshovel wrote:
Jesus! Overnight IV antibiotics for a nail in the foot!?!? I'm no doctor, but the only time I had IV antibiotics was when I had a life-threatening infection. That's either some kickass insurance or that sweet-ass Medicaid!
Either way, sorry for the kid, man!
I've had IV Vancomycin, to save my leg from what was a nasty, rapidly spreading skin infection, after a week or two of playing with every oral antibiotic available.
poopshovel wrote:
Jesus! Overnight IV antibiotics for a nail in the foot!?!? I'm no doctor, but the only time I had IV antibiotics was when I had a life-threatening infection. That's either some kickass insurance or that sweet-ass Medicaid!
Either way, sorry for the kid, man!
If they did blood work beforehand, they probably found his white count through the roof, hence the stay.
1/24/13 6:33 p.m.
Been there done that. Due to SWMBO's health issues, I am stuck in a lot of hospitals a LOT. I prefer the ones downtown so I can at least wander the area and get a taco or something when i've had enough. Then there was the accidental beard-off I had with some Amish dudes at Burger King, but that's a story for another time.
Ranger50 wrote:
If they did blood work beforehand, they probably found his white count through the roof, hence the stay.
Probably a bit of CYA also.
Yesterday the kid steps on a nail. Today you go to the doctor. Does anyone see an issue here? Better than next week, I suppose.
Anyway, hope the kid does well. Nail in teh fut sux. I've it done myself. OF COURSE, I WENT TO THE DOCTOR 1 MINUTE AFTER IT HAPPENED, but then, I'm pretty close to me.
I used to clean construction homes for a builder in high school and would step on a nail once in a while.
35 years later I still cringe at the thought.....ouch. Hope the kid feels better.
Thanks everyone. After he stepped on it we cleaned it and watched it. At 5:30 this morning when he woke up it looked fine. By 9:30 his feet didn't match. They sent us right over and if it weren't for two layers of people that didn't believe me enough to check that I had been sent over we would have been in right away. I'm learning a lot. Xrays were clear of foreign bodies, waiting on the MRI results to see if there are any foreign bits in there or if the infection is somewhere it really shouldn't be. My boys have cut their feet a dozen times and I've done the same thing each time. Clean it and wait. This time things went pear shaped. It happens. We have insurance and the doctors are certainly being cautious. So far the IV being put in was the only rough part. You just can't prepare a 5 year old for that.
Damn. Sorry man. That's rough.
1/24/13 7:38 p.m.
Ask the doc for their opinion, but maybe some probiotic yogurt for the kid - IV antibiotics are hell on the flora in the gut - makes you vulnerable to pick up some yeast infections shortly after - thrush sucks - followed by a round of diflucan
Aw, poor guy. All of you! I've made the same calls as a parent, and usually it works out; sometimes, though, I ended up sending someone to school with what turned out to be a broken bone...
Very hard to convince most humans that the needle prick only hurts for a second.. 'specially little ones.
I hope all's well tonight.
MRI looks like just a normal infection sitting right against the bone, but not affecting it. Long night of vitals and antibiotics. Lots of people in the hospital that are having a worse night than us.
Godspeed, may he heal quickly and this soon be but a memory.
"Fiddle dee-dee! That will require a tetanus shot"

A little Homer-ism to brighten up your day.
mazdeuce wrote:
MRI looks like just a normal infection sitting right against the bone, but not affecting it. Long night of vitals and antibiotics. Lots of people in the hospital that are having a worse night than us.
Good to hear! Hope little guy's ok.
Should be a lesson to all of us. I always glove up and protect around rust. Friend from high school has a tracheotomy scar from this exactly and the issue was NOT tetanus. Rust in the body is a free radical. We also have a few other things in our body such as iron, oxygen, hydrogen, acidic salts, etc.
Marjorie Suddard wrote:
Aw, poor guy. All of you! I've made the same calls as a parent, and usually it works out; sometimes, though, I ended up sending someone to school with what turned out to be a broken bone...
Mmmhmm. And some kids really teach parents this stuff. I was one of those kids. Seemed like I impaled or skewered myself on a near monthly basis growing up. Mix in all the smashes and tears and burns, I was on a first name walk in basis with the ER in my town.
On the good side, I learned how to triage myself at an early age, as well do my own suitures and the like (prefer taping for the record).
Well, looks like I'm missing the first rallycross of the season. Hard to feel too bad about it. Dr. says the downsides of this sort of infection are significant enough to justify caution, and the man cuts feet open for a living so I'm inclined to believe him. Thanks for keeping me company over a long uncomfortable night. GRM is the best.
I did the nail in the foot one time. Boy did that hurt. I don't think stupid me went to the Dr.
Three weeks ago my first grandson came back from visit with crazy daddy and had a huge boil on his butt. His daddy didn't think it was anything special. My daughter took him to the Dr. next morning and it was a staph infection found to be MRSA. IV anitibiotics started asap with continued oral. It looks like it worked.
1/25/13 7:22 a.m.
That's scary stuff. Nothing to screw around with.
Part of the reason I want to get out of here is the prevalence of drug resistant bacteria in hospitals. That stuff gives me the heebie jeebies. A nail in the foot makes for a good story, but not nearly as funny as a butt boil. That's a story for girlfriends in highschool right there. Glad he's all right.
^^^ You're dang tootin it is. We were greatly relieved when he got the all clear on Wednesday.