I was looking at picking up the HF low-profile 2-ton jack based on some positive comments on here, and brought my trusty 20% off coupon with me and was sad to see it excluded all jacks.
Anybody ever have luck using a coupon on a HF floor jack, or should I bite the bullet?
I just bought that very jack. Handed them a coupon, can't hurt. Didn't work.
However, they did let me use a coupon on a transmission jack. Guess that's a transmission jack, not a floor jack.
All very confusing to me, since i don't think i've ever used the term "floor jack" in my life.
Anyways, the jack you're looking at is worth the money even without a coupon.
I paid $140 for mine after procrastinating weeks waiting for a coupon. I'm glad I bought it - completely worth it.
9/21/15 11:53 a.m.
You can often find jack specific coupons in their magazine ads.
logdog wrote:
You can often find jack specific coupons in their magazine ads.
Yep, this one is excluded. I found no record of a coupon for this jack since 2011. 
Yeah, they are excluded. I found that out the hard way in a store a few years ago. I then promptly went to Sears and picked up a Craftsman jack for the same price as the discounted price I was trying to get the HF jack for. 
I had 2 of the new model 2 ton aluminum race jacks and both leaked down. Bought one, returned for exchange, next one did the same thing, returned for exchange on the earlier 1 1/2 ton which works fine so far.
They do a bait & switch on the advertising of the jacks so the one pictured in their flier often isn't the one with the part # that the coupon applies to.
Good to know guys. I'll head there tonight.
SilverFleet wrote:
Yeah, they are excluded. I found that out the hard way in a store a few years ago. I then promptly went to Sears and picked up a Craftsman jack for the same price as the discounted price I was trying to get the HF jack for.
did your Craftsman jack start acting like E36 M3 about a week after the warranty was up on it? i've had 2 different Craftsman jacks do that- they just simply won't pump up if it's below about 40 degrees in the shop- and they both started doing it within a week of the 1 year warranty period being up.. one was a regular gray 3 ton jack that just woudln't lift at all unless you warmed it up and the other is a black and yellow 3.5 ton that rapidly rises to the car in one pump then doesn't switch to "normal" mode unless you warm it up..
novaderrik wrote:
SilverFleet wrote:
Yeah, they are excluded. I found that out the hard way in a store a few years ago. I then promptly went to Sears and picked up a Craftsman jack for the same price as the discounted price I was trying to get the HF jack for.
did your Craftsman jack start acting like E36 M3 about a week after the warranty was up on it? i've had 2 different Craftsman jacks do that- they just simply won't pump up if it's below about 40 degrees in the shop- and they both started doing it within a week of the 1 year warranty period being up.. one was a regular gray 3 ton jack that just woudln't lift at all unless you warmed it up and the other is a black and yellow 3.5 ton that rapidly rises to the car in one pump then doesn't switch to "normal" mode unless you warm it up..
Must have changes something I have two that must be 25 years old now and they are indestructible.
9/21/15 2:20 p.m.
Swank Force One wrote:
logdog wrote:
You can often find jack specific coupons in their magazine ads.
Yep, this one is excluded. I found no record of a coupon for this jack since 2011.
I dunno. I bought a low profile jack last year with a coupon I cut out of a magazine. I think it was Petersons 4wheel and off road. Looked something like this.*

*not actual coupon, just something similar I found on google images. YMMV. Tax and Title extra.
FWIW, my jack has exhibited both problems referenced above (leak down and the inability to transition from rapid movement mode to lifting mode)…in both cases, it just needed a little oil added.
logdog wrote:
You can often find jack specific coupons in their magazine ads.
I just bought the low profile 3 ton jack yesterday with a 79.95 coupon from American Rifleman.
This one
If something is already on sale, they won't take a discount coupon on that item.
9/21/15 3:42 p.m.
I have an $84.99 coupon here for the 3 ton low profile... Could probably scan and send your way if you wanted
In reply to asoduk:
That same coupon was waiting for me in the Mail when I got home! Thanks though
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