Another Travel Trailer question- (this board has been so helpful!!!)
So I'm finally getting to the point of plumbing- the supply lines are all done, an I'm to the drain. Sink is easy...
But the shower.
This is a wet bath, and is quite tiny. Because of space, the shower drain is pretty high over the trailer surface- the drain has to clear a frame rail before it can go into the gray tank. So I have a very small space for a shower drain.
Thankfully, there's a neat product that I found for this- almost no clearance drain (don't worry about the P trap, that's what HEPVO systems are for). The seal for the top is easy- just some plumbers putty from the drain cover to the surface.
Where I'm asking is the lower part. From the plastic to the shower pan is a simple rubber gasket. So the question is if I should add some "helper" materials to make sure the rubber gasket seals between the shower pan and the plastic drain fixture.
If this were a metal engine, RTV or some other gasket helpers would be very useful (not always, I know). But this is plastic shower pan, rubber gasket, plastic drain. Is there a good, flexible, seal helper for that? One that won't degrade either the plastics or rubber?