I am looking for a true type font that is similar to those wonderful hand painted racing numbers of the 60's

And on the most beautiful car ever made

I know one in every ten people is a font geek so I figured I would put the hive mind to this task and see what comes up. 
3/10/17 12:00 p.m.
3/10/17 12:06 p.m.
Bodoni is pretty close to the top picture.
They are a bit narrow so (in Word) type what you want, highlight it then control+d/Advanced/scale set to 150%
Jumper K. Balls wrote:
That appears to be a stylized "Urge Text Black Condensed" font.
That appears to be "Pierpont Bold"
And on the most beautiful car ever made
The image processor is having trouble with this one and I can't find an exact match.
Edit: "Monthly Calendar JNL Regular" I had to use a different picture but it's basically exact.
Here's the tool if you want to try.
Jumper K. Balls wrote:
The hint was apparently in the name of this file. Poster Bodoni

In reply to Jumper K. Balls:
Ah so it is. I kinda just did the quick and dirty from a tool I used before. I like that a lot.
I'm not really a font geek but I had a design course in lieu of a website design course in college 10 years ago. We watched a documentary called "Helvetica" where the process of creating a font was documented. It left quite the impression.
Thanks for the help everyone. I have some playing to do.