In reply to orphancars:
Barney works for me!
The best dog I ever owned was named Bill. We called him Will, Billis, Willis, William, he didn't care. But he was definitely a Bill.
Maybe wait to get to know him as a pup, something will come to you?
I see Mack, or maybe even Bob. Possibly Russ?
SWMBO sees Oliver (Ollie).
Skooter, had a barn dog named Barny ,more of a bird dog mix. Looks like Skooter to me
Nice lookin' mutt. I would name him Jeff. 
I realize this is blatant plagiarism ... but Mojo is a sweet name for a dog.
come to think of it... so is Sweets or The Blatant Plagiarist!
Our Jack grew into this

I also like people names
Lazarus (Mrs Aussie suggestion)
10/9/13 10:02 p.m.
My name is "bad dog, get down'
This is my Barney.
1.5 yr old Cairn Terrier.
AKA: Barnacle Bill the Sailor Man, The Barn Dog, and Barnicus (his emperor name ).
AKA: Smoopie, The Smoop and Smoop-a-doddle-do

Did you name him Bruce yet?
He named him Fred like I told him to.