All, I am taking an online class in UX research. One homework assignment asks us to create a preference test based on a web experience we are familiar with. I have chosen GRM. I recognize some people may feel passionate about this issue (you'll see in survey), but please don't discuss the actual content here in this thread.
If you would be willing to help me out by taking the survey I would very much appreciate it. It should only take you a couple of mins.
Below is a link to the survey. Thanks!
edit: Survey Monkey has a question cap, so that pretty much gutted my survey. After the 4 required demographic questions and 2 pictures, I only had room for 2 questions for each section. So, it should be even faster now :/
*I'm not sure there is such thing as 'offline' classes right now anyway
Done. Pretty sure you need more fidelity on the "how often do you check grm", you're going to get ALOT of "atleast once a day" answers.
7/7/20 9:07 a.m.
Done, though I was too unobservant to notice much difference beween the last 2 questions.
I suggest that you add a "on phone and computer" option, or make that question multiple-answer.
Done ! That was quick and easy.
7/7/20 7:41 p.m.
Done. Where do I send the bill?
I'm confused about the last two questions but it's done.
Thanks all.
Yeah, I get what you are saying regarding the questions. They are actually from a standardized industry preference test.
Good point on phone & computer option.
The content is interesting, but this course totally sucks and I'm happy to get this out of the way :)
I should post the "What defines a beater" survey I made earlier in the course just for fun.