Hey guys. I know a few of you have been listening to Turn Left on TalkStL.com and I appreciate that. We have been focusing a lot on local St Louis racing on the dirt tracks and some of the asphalt. It was hard to expand into the many other worlds of motorsports.
I'm losing my co-host who is the brains behind the dirt circle track sports. Anytime someone leaves in the radio world, there will be changes, but I hope that along with the negatives that I see, there can be positives.
Those of you who have or those of you who may listen to my show; What would keep you interested? What are good topics to talk about on the air and would make you jump in the chat and call in?
Just taking my time to see how I can improve the show.
- Sper
More national level motorsports talk. Kevin likes to keep it local which is great since the show is supposed to be local, but you guys fairly talk about national level stuff. Maybe that and not getting off topic so much. Are you getting a new co host or winging it solo for awhile?
We will see where this goes for now (It will be just myself and Brow and some guest hosts). One thing I do look forward to is staying on topic a little more. I plan on veering off "racing talk" so much and getting more into the lower level of the automotive world. That was hard to do when it all came back to racing.
I do plan on bringing it to that level because when you step outside what Kevin did, you have to take things such as Rally America into account and say, well that's National. I get excited thinking about that.
I didn't plan on focusing on "local motorsports" until Kevin came in, but he did it and made it good. I appreciate all he has done. I just need to expand now.
Thanks for being a big listener, Mopar. Kevin enjoyed your input and I look forward to more.
Did you ever get the podcast going? I'd love to hear the show.
Wear some women's trousers. It worked for Moss when he wanted to spice up his Webcast.
It went from this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x7lFLIDxjIA to this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iAxHfyMHZk4
Podcasts are available at http://talkstl.com/category/podcasts/turn-left/ and I've taken notes on women's trousers. Is there a suggested site to order women's trousers from?
In reply to t25torx:
A berkeleying game board.
Invite random GRMers in as guests, imagine Poopshovel on politics, Alfadriver on imports, Bobzilla on reliable US iron, Keith on about anything and so on...
Hey. The phone line is open. 
Well, unless I've got to work overtime here, which is possible, I'll go live tonight. I appreciate you guys chiming in. I'm really stressing while I think about ways to improve the show when I lost some good content.
Not only that, but I've noticed FB posts from my now-ex-co-host talking about how surprising people are willing to forget him etc. That never helps the stress when I attempted and gave him ample opportunity to take some time off.

Mod Squad
10/14/13 7:40 a.m.
Javelin on all things AMC
10/14/13 7:54 a.m.
I'd love to get into radio. It seems like the key part of the problem is getting your show (and name) out there.
I think we need more radio automotive diagnosis ala CarTalk. As much as I hated listening to the cackle of those guys some mornings, they really were educating people who otherwise had no idea what they were talking about.
Something similar would be great, and I don't see why a show mostly about racing couldn't have a diagnostic portion as well.
PHeller wrote:
Something similar [to Car Talk] would be great, and I don't see why a show mostly about racing couldn't have a diagnostic portion as well.
We were certainly going that direction, but we were only able to diagnose the station manager's truck. Anyone want to email me an easy diagnostic. 
10/14/13 8:09 a.m.
So open diagnostics up to "what car" and other "car advice" type questions and prompt those type of questions on Facebook.
In reply to PHeller:
For sure. I'll be moving in that direction by tomorrow, I think.
Try to emulate successful shows. You could do worse than model your program after Maury Povich or that other dude whose name escapes me right now. Nothing titilates like domestic violence.
So me and brow should swing folding chairs at each other while the station manager holds us apart. Perfect.
N Sperlo wrote:
So me and brow should swing folding chairs at each other while the station manager holds us apart. Perfect.
I predict a big spike in your ratings! 
Maybe a spike, but with those spikes come valleys. 
Mod Squad
10/14/13 10:59 a.m.
N Sperlo wrote:
Maybe a spike, but with those spikes come valleys.
solution: webcam + crazy costumes + ring girls = ???
What could possibly go wrong?
There is some crap going down with a morning talk show that I listen to here in Atlanta. They fired one of the original guys and many believe one of the other original guys wanted him gone. It has created a huge backlash on their social media. They can't post anything up without getting bombed.
Anywho, I am gonna start catching up on your show via the podcast.
1988RedT2 wrote:
Try to emulate successful shows. You could do worse than model your program after Maury Povich or that other dude whose name escapes me right now. Nothing titilates like domestic violence.
Have you seen the car berkeleyer thread?
I may have mentioned this at a back 40 gathering one time...but my thought on diagnostic help (should you be interested in going down that route) would be to find some GOOD local mechanics and have them field the questions. If they've got charisma...they could do it on air. If not, they can help with the diagnosis and you can handle the radio portion of it.
Get the mechanic to be an underwriter. Not sure if your station is for- or not-for-profit...and I'm sure it makes a difference in how to handle the situation above. Hit me up off-the-board if I'm not clear above or if you just want to discuss.
I also have a good idea (thanks SingleSlammer) on how to identify a GOOD local mechanic.
General Automotive current events could fill time. Think of Top Gear'seses "News" segment.
Seminar episodes. "How to paint a fender" with a local body wizzard. "How to have way too much fun for the rest of your life with a $200 Car" with a regional hack. "Tires" with a local tire distributor expert (highway, racing, winter,offroad, etc.).
Do you ever play any music? (is it allowed?) I know I'd appreciate automotive-themed interludes.