Hi folks. I'm starting a youtube channel to document my little (and big) projects. I foresee this mainly being related to audio and automotive projects, but I'll cover home repairs and upgrades. Because I don't make a ton of money, this will all be grassroots, with the exception of car repairs and such I think.
I was going to go with Dr Boost's Garage, but I figure "garage" would make the audio folks think it is automotive-specific. Dr. Boost's Workshop?
{some other name that sounds good with "Workshop"}'s workshop?
I know you guys will have a hard time tossing out suggestions since most of you don't know me very well or personally, but you're a creative bunch so I thought I'd ask you.
7/2/17 3:33 p.m.
Dr boosts tires tunes and tools workshop
Or leave out workshop altogether.
7/2/17 3:53 p.m.
"Dr Boost" is a pretty good name all by itself. There are fair number of channels just named for their proprietors.
Not sure if the magazine "Nuts and Volts" is still around to give you grief if you wanted to use that
Dr. Boost's Operating Room?
Man, I'm glad I turned to you folks here. The ideas I had were pretty lame. I think I like all of them. I never thought about just Dr Boost before. I do like that.
7/2/17 7:14 p.m.
Dr boost, or Dr boost does stuff. Dr boost might make people think you're jist turbos...though all the one man YouTube channels are jist usernames.
User name is secondary. Surfers will search topics first.
"In the shop with Dr. Boost"
Or +1 more for simply DrBoost
(unless somebody else is going by that name already).
In reply to etifosi:
Dr. Boost's Operating Theatre...
Dr boost is taken. Doesn't mean I can't use it in the title though
too bad Dr Boost is taken, that's awesome. although +1 to people searching topics first, not names. My channel has "garage" in the name, and not one video about a full size car yet. People don't seem to mind. It just take place in a garage.
Yeah, I know folks search for the topic, but I do want something that sounds good.
Dr Boost's Caboose
"Come take a trip inside Dr Boost's Caboose"
The Adventures of Dr. Boost.
Dr Boost Berkeleys with E36 M3's (and other things)
Mr. Dr. Boost's automotive and audio emporium of magical happy fun time.
Dr. Boost's automotive exploits.
The most kick ass thing you will watch all day!!!!
Watch this video, you won't believe the results!
I'm done for now, slow day at work....