What is a/the proper term, or more precisely word, for someone that takes unanticipated events in their lives with stride, someone who looks at things in a fairly logical, unemotional way, someone that when something dramatically good or bad happens to them responds in a much less dramatical way, just taking things are they come? Would be used in a sentence like "well he's pretty _ about it."
I know the word and just can't think of it. And I need to remember it for a reason. Anyone???
Oh, and it's not roll with the punches. It's one word. Thanks.
10/17/12 1:19 p.m.
...now where's that patio...
Cool. Not as in awesome, but calm and controlled.
I think I know the word you're looking for. Unfortunately it's on the tip of my tongue and I'm pissed I can't figure it out. Thanks a lot!
Apathetic! That's what I was thinking.
Whether that is the word you were looking for or not, I can now move on with my day.
ap·a·thet·ic (p-thtk) also ap·a·thet·i·cal (--kl)
1. Feeling or showing a lack of interest or concern; indifferent.
2. Feeling or showing little or no emotion; unresponsive.
I'll go with pragmatic too.
10/17/12 2:09 p.m.
93EXCivic wrote:
DrBoost wrote:
...now where's that patio...
You owe me a pepsi.
Next time you're in my neck of the woods (or I'm in yours) I'd be honored.
lackadaisical - if they are leaning toward lazy
Aeromoto wrote:
well medicated
He said one word, so maybe "baked?" 
Cool/Composed fits best I think
Pragmatic was the word I was looking for, but when I look up the definition it doesn't sound like that's what it means.
Well medicated works in my case also.