So, I've been given the green light to design our Holiday Beer that will be released in early November. It will be done as a slightly American-craft take on a Belgian holiday ale. So, strong (8.5%), dark red, and rich with a subtle spiciness. But, here's the kicker... I'm getting that spice through interplay of malt, hops, and yeast, not by adding any spices. Think a cross between Chimay Blue and Sierra Nevada Celebration.
We're brainstorming names right now. The brewery is called Zauber, and we're big on our German and Belgian-ness in what we do. So something with a slight wink to German, Belgian, or other central European tradition would be cool.
One of my favorite German holiday traditions is Krampus. He kind of fits the bill for the type of beer you're producing.
Can't think of a good name though.
Krampus-Gewürz (Krampus-spice)
Geschenk der Krampus (Gift of Krampus)
Reveillon - check out the Wiki on it. French word, ties into Belgian tradition of Christmas Eve feasting
I thought of O Tannenbaum but there's a Michigan brewery with a beer by that name. Dang.
Is this a beer to be sold in the US? If so, just from a marketing standpoint you'd probably want a name most people can pronounce. I don't drink beer so I can't relate it to the taste. But holiday theme with a German reference... How about Zauber Candy Cane Dark. Candy canes are German in origin.
In reply to Klayfish:
The only problem I would see with that, is that most people associate candy canes with peppermint.
"Krampus" is already used.
Brewmaster likes "Zwarte Pete"
My favorite is "Epiphany"
spannende Unterhose = Thrilling Underpants
Wollunterwäsche = Wool Undergarments.
Protze Hahn... although it has nothing to do with holidays... 
Saint Dicklaus's frothy foam ale
10/1/14 11:35 a.m.
Hoppy Holiday Belgian-styled Ale
10/1/14 11:40 a.m.
Christmas trees are prickly, which can be associated with spicy. They also host surprise gifts below, and ornaments. I know there is something succinct there, but I'm just not thinking right this morning.
"Mommy and Daddy's present"
"Water the tree" "Sparkly Ornament"
Yeah, I can't bring it together. At best, I'm naming lighter, crisper beers. Good luck. This sounds like my kind of beer.
OTOH, for me, Christmas tree + beer = IPA. That could be confusing.
I know, that doesn't provide an answer, but I want a Samichlaus now.
Whatever you do, don't name it Christmas Ale! You might offend someone.
(Its already taken anyway)