Ok, shameless plug.....
I'll once again be competing in the "Drive for 75" put on by Continental Motors, and benefiting Dupage Pads. This incredibly fun kart race has a goal of raising $75K to help eliminate homelessness in Dupage County IL. (where I grew up) The race will be held on June 25th at the Autobahn Country Club in Joliet. Admission is free, and we'll have libations and snacks for all who arrive to root on team PB&J's.
Donate if you can, show up and root us on if you are able. It's a great cause, totally tax deductible, and helping others makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. We placed second last year.....we're gunning for top honors this time!
Here's the team donation page: Team PB&J's
Here is more info on the event: Dupage Pads--Drive for 75