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Wally SuperDork
8/30/08 2:43 a.m.


NEW ORLEANS (AP) -- Police with bullhorns plan to go street to street this weekend with a tough message about getting out ahead of Hurricane Gustav: This time there will be no shelter of last resort. The doors to the Superdome will be locked. Those who stay will be on their own. New forecasts Friday made it increasingly clear that New Orleans will get some kind of hit - direct or indirect - by early next week. That raised the likelihood people would have to flee, and the city suggested a full-scale evacuation call could come as soon as Sunday. Those among New Orleans' estimated 310,000 to 340,000 residents who ignore orders to leave accept "all responsibility for themselves and their loved ones," the city's emergency preparedness director, Jerry Sneed, has warned.

Perhaps this time once everyone leaves, turn off the lights and let everyone find new homes ABOVE sea level.

ddavidv SuperDork
8/30/08 6:38 a.m.

New Orleans levees, FTL.

ignorant SuperDork
8/30/08 6:52 a.m.

another bush failure.

The state and the free market can take care of it.. Yes Yes.. Charities.. Yes. They'll take care of it.

wreckerboy SuperDork
8/30/08 6:57 a.m.

..and it's coming the week of the Republican convention. Poetic justice unless you happen to live in N.O., I guess.

Where's that picture of George The Dim giving McCain a birthday gift when Katrina hit?

z31maniac HalfDork
8/30/08 9:52 a.m.

How are levies that have been inadequate for DECADES Bush's fault?

I'm not a Bush fan but geez, while were at it lets blame him for the paint on my wheels not hardening properly and having to be refinished.

GregTivo New Reader
8/30/08 10:17 a.m.
ignorant wrote: another bush failure. The state and the free market can take care of it.. Yes Yes.. Charities.. Yes. They'll take care of it.

wtf? i contend that by getting the government involved, people were probably worse off than if they just let the volunteers go in there and start picking up people. This time, though, no FEMA cards.

belteshazzar Dork
8/30/08 12:43 p.m.

keep it flooded.

mel_horn HalfDork
8/30/08 1:02 p.m.
GregTivo wrote: This time, though, no FEMA cards.

Hey! No fair! I need a lapdance!

carguy123 HalfDork
8/30/08 1:59 p.m.
ignorant wrote: another bush failure. The state and the free market can take care of it.. Yes Yes.. Charities.. Yes. They'll take care of it.

So back in the 1700s when they settled in NO that was Bush's fault?

So when they built and rebuilt levees for over 100 years that was Bush's fault?

So the welfare babies staying and looting was Bush's fault? The fact there are welfare babies was Kennedy's fault, but that's another day.

So not spending ALL the Federal tax dollars to clean up what is clearly a local issue is Bush's fault?

So God creating the conditions that formed another hurricane was Bush's fault?

Some days I wonder where these people come from? They can't live in America, can they? I am voting for an alternative universe that somehow impinges upon the Real World just thru forums like this.

Strizzo Dork
8/30/08 2:07 p.m.

"I reject your reality, and insert my own!"

ignorant SuperDork
8/30/08 2:25 p.m.

a governments responsibility is to protect its people and make them safe.

It's his fault that he reacted poorly. It's his fault that the E36 M3 ain't fixed.

the failure of our government that was demonstrated by katrina.. should not happen in a civilized country. E36 M3 china reacted better to those earthquakes. CHINA!!!!!.

It's his fault. period.

carguy123 HalfDork
8/30/08 2:26 p.m.

That's basically what he was saying - I think.

If Bush created this mess then he certainly has soooo much power we better not mess with him. He controls the time and space continuum and we better just bow down and start calling him King.

King Bush! It's gotta nice ring and explains so many things.

ignorant SuperDork
8/30/08 2:27 p.m.
carguy123 wrote: So the welfare babies staying and looting was Bush's fault?


go live in your garden shed on a mountain kazinsky..

carguy123 HalfDork
8/30/08 2:28 p.m.
ignorant wrote: a governments responsibility is to protect its people and make them safe. It's his fault that he reacted poorly. It's his fault that the E36 M3 ain't fixed. It's his fault. period.

So the people of Louisiana and Government of Lousyanna as well as New Orleans bear no fault?

At some point in time you just gotta step up to the plate and take responsibilities for your own actions (or inactions in this case). In other words you've got to just grow up some time. You aren't a baby anymore and NO ONE is required to take care of you.

At the time of the hurricane it was nice the Feds stepped in to help because the problem was beyond the power of the local government, but that time is WAY over.

The Feds didn't create the issue, Louisiana did. You can't pin this one on Bush or Clinton or any one in particular at the Federal level.

ignorant SuperDork
8/30/08 2:31 p.m.
carguy123 wrote:
ignorant wrote: a governments responsibility is to protect its people and make them safe. It's his fault that he reacted poorly. It's his fault that the E36 M3 ain't fixed. It's his fault. period.
So the people of Louisiana and Government of Lousyanna as well as New Orleans bear no fault? At some point in time you just gotta step up to the plate and take responsibilities for your own actions (or inactions in this case). In other words you've got to just grow up some time. You aren't a baby anymore and NO ONE is required to take care of you. At the time of the hurricane it was nice the Feds stepped in to help because the problem was beyond the power of the local government, but that time is WAY over.

never once did i say I would not take care of my own.

in a civilized society failures like that should not have happened. period. There is no excuse.

Strizzo Dork
8/30/08 2:31 p.m.
ignorant wrote: a governments responsibility is to protect its people and make them safe. It's his fault that he reacted poorly. It's his fault that the E36 M3 ain't fixed. the failure of our government that was demonstrated by katrina.. should not happen in a civilized country. E36 M3 china reacted better to those earthquakes. CHINA!!!!!. It's his fault. period.

the gov't should be able to help them without being shot at as well.

similar stuff happened in colorado when they had ridiculous snowstorms. guess what? everyone prepared themselves for it and was self-sufficient instead of waiting around for someone to come fix everything for them

ignorant SuperDork
8/30/08 2:32 p.m.
Strizzo wrote:
ignorant wrote: a governments responsibility is to protect its people and make them safe. It's his fault that he reacted poorly. It's his fault that the E36 M3 ain't fixed. the failure of our government that was demonstrated by katrina.. should not happen in a civilized country. E36 M3 china reacted better to those earthquakes. CHINA!!!!!. It's his fault. period.
the gov't should be able to help them without being shot at as well. similar stuff happened in colorado when they had ridiculous snowstorms. guess what? everyone prepared themselves for it and was self-sufficient instead of waiting around for someone to come fix everything for them

that colorado example has been beaten to death. But the question is, if the people could not or would not help themselves should you let them die?

carguy123 HalfDork
8/30/08 2:55 p.m.

Colorado example has been beaten to death only because it doesn't suit your argument.

And yes, if people won't help themselves then they deserve to die.

ignorant SuperDork
8/30/08 4:19 p.m.
carguy123 wrote: And yes, if people won't help themselves then they deserve to die.

wonderful.. you have fun with your life in crazy land.

ignorant SuperDork
8/30/08 4:25 p.m.

while I'm in complaining mode..


Thanks bush.. thanks for that. now I've got to write 5 or 6 seperate checks per month. for my loans.


MrJoshua SuperDork
8/30/08 5:29 p.m.
ignorant wrote:
carguy123 wrote: And yes, if people won't help themselves then they deserve to die.
wonderful.. you have fun with your life in crazy land.

Where do you draw the line with helping people? Do you continually help people who repeatedly do dumb stuff? The first time? The second time? The 1000th time? Do you ever just give up on a human being? Im honest enough with myself to say yes. It doesnt mean im a baby kicker, just probably more honest with myself than you.

So Carguy, dont worry, you wont be alone in crazytown.

BTW Ignorant, im to busy kicking babies, you think you could find me a counter that shows all the dollars going out in social programs to help those who cant/wont help themselves?

HiTempguy New Reader
8/30/08 6:11 p.m.
And yes, if people won't help themselves then they deserve to die.

It is the same with anything. People who don't help themselves cannot be helped by others. They first need to do something with their berkeleying problems before somebody can give them a boost in the right direction.


GregTivo New Reader
8/30/08 6:39 p.m.
HiTempguy wrote: THE CITY IS BUILT BELOW SEA LEVEL FOR CHRIST"S SAKE! *insert rolling of eyes here*

not true. The French Quarter and the oldest parts of the city are above sea level. They were also the least flooded when the levees broke and the first to dry up. The problem isn't the city's existence, its the city's size and the areas where some of the residents live.

Apexcarver SuperDork
8/30/08 6:55 p.m.
MrJoshua wrote:
ignorant wrote:
carguy123 wrote: And yes, if people won't help themselves then they deserve to die.
wonderful.. you have fun with your life in crazy land.
Where do you draw the line with helping people? Do you continually help people who repeatedly do dumb stuff? The first time? The second time? The 1000th time? Do you ever just give up on a human being? Im honest enough with myself to say yes. It doesnt mean im a baby kicker, just probably more honest with myself than you. So Carguy, dont worry, you wont be alone in crazytown. BTW Ignorant, im to busy kicking babies, you think you could find me a counter that shows all the dollars going out in social programs to help those who cant/wont help themselves?

Cue Darwin!

aussiesmg HalfDork
8/30/08 7:29 p.m.

So why isn't the fault laid on Clinton's Democratic administration, he failed to fix those levies also.

As for the education loans, it wasn't exactly a secret when you applied for those loans that you would be repaying them, who should have paid for them? You at least had the opportunity to get this advantage many do not who are deserving, count your blessings

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