So I picked up this artwork from a thrift shop in Old Town Alexandria, VA while on vacation last week. I couldn't immediately place it, but knew I recognized it - and the price was right.
After a bit of googling, I realized the characters are the Anteater and Ant from the (late) Johnny Hart comic, B.C.. While there's no signature on the front(and I've not removed the backing yet to look for one there), I'm (99% sure it's his original work based on several reasons: 1.) Mr. Hart was known to freely give his characters for others needs/groups/etc. 2.) The word "Scotty" seems to be a Star Trek reference, which could date this around the late-60's, which was right when Mr. Hart was winning awards for B.C. and 3.) While someone could have copied his style, this was done by someone who was very, very good - and since the characters don't really add any relevance to the poster, I'm not sure why the would have been used if someone besides Mr. Hart drew them.
Now, my question: Any idea what this poster is about???
We have the top line: "I hope to heck Scotty has my coordinates" - possibly a Star Trek reference.
We have the left anteater, with "HSC" on it. We have the right anteater with "RSA" and we have the bottom one with "Staff".
The left symbol is the Caduceus, which may be a medical reference. And the right symbol appears to be a first-aid cross with two crossed bombs behind it, and the words "Competence" and "Compassion".

The left "Caduceus" symbol is used as the shoulder patch for army medical units and hospitals. The right symbol appears to be a unit crest worn on epalats and hats of army dress uniforms. Appears to have a military reference. HSC is an old designation for Headquarters Supply Company in army units. The RSA is kinda throwing me. RSA is the abbreviation for Redstone Arsenal, which is in Huntsville, Alabama. Why I know that? Because that's where I work. Redstone Arsenal that is, not a hospital. Been seeing that patch though for many years, I'm retired army and army civilian now. But (back on topic) I'm sure the RSA has a different meaning that I'm not familiar with. I was aviation (helicopters) not medical so not too sure on medical unit configuration. I'm sure you know "staff", military talk that's usually the pencil-pushers and command.
4/6/13 10:05 p.m.

I found this one on a national guard site. It is an Army Medical Command Patch.
Thanks Joey! I expected it was military, I guess determining what the RSA references will lead me to the poster's meaning.
He was stationed at Robins AFB in Georgia during the early 50's, so maybe he had some connection to Redstone?
NASA (the space agency) has a large presence here and Redstone is/was home to the army missle command (now combined with aviation to make Aviation & Missle Command - AMCOM).
In reply to wlkelley3:
When you mentioned HSC as being an "old" designation, do you about how old? Would it tie into the late-60's timeframe?
the ant represents the people stuck in the middle of a power struggle between the various agencies/groups that the anteaters represent.. he just wants Scotty to beam him outta there..
or something..
Wonder if it has anything to do with NASA and Gemini/Apollo? If it is indeed mid sixties, it might.
I think I'll focus on determining what unit the crest with the cross and bombs/missiles represents. If I figure that out, the meaning of RSA may become apparent.
4/8/13 7:24 a.m.
petegossett wrote:
I think I'll focus on determining what unit the crest with the cross and bombs/missiles represents. If I figure that out, the meaning of RSA may become apparent.
Yeah, odd juxtaposition of a medical cross and missiles.....probably a redstone-specific medical unit since that's apparently where missile operations were based. It might be worth emailing the picture of the logo to some people from the base....
US Army MEDDAC (Medical Department Activity) at Redstone Arsenal used that emblem.
Those are stylized rockets, by the way.
Yep, I trained at Redstone, on the conehead (missile maintenance) side.
4/8/13 8:08 a.m.
So, just to summarize what we think we know so far:
the picture depicts someone (the ant) caught up in political wrangling between three parties. This person is probably in the US Army MEDDAC (Medical Department Activity), which of course would be part of the US Army Medical Command (see logo). The three parties making their life difficult are:
1) the Brass
2) the Headquarters Supply Company
3) Someone or something specific to Redstone Arsenal (red tape/regulations, perhaps)
Am I missing anything?
4/8/13 8:21 a.m.
My honest opinion? That someone copied a Hart cartoon to share a frustrating situation with army colleagues.
Several reasons: the lettering is not the work of a professional cartoonist, the figures, while competently drawn, lack the detail and finesse of his work, and the lettering tacked onto the figures could have been executed in a more clever, or easier to read manner.
Course, I could be totally wrong, but those are things that jump out to me.
In reply to Lesley:
Thanks for your professional input Leslie! I know I may not be able to determine exactly who the artist was. But regardless of whether Mr. Hart drew it, or just an admiring and aspiring fan, I'd really like to know the story/history behind it.
And thanks to everyone who has helped so far! Another example of why GRM rocks!!!
petegossett wrote:
In reply to wlkelley3:
When you mentioned HSC as being an "old" designation, do you about how old? Would it tie into the late-60's timeframe?
Yes it could tie into late-60's timeframe. Goes back even farther than that and was still used when I retired. I believe the HSC designation might have gone the way of the do-do within the last several years when the army restructured unit designations. Of course someone that is currently serving can probably give a more accurate reply. I currently only deal with aviation units in my job and have been retired from the army for 17 years.
I believe Lesley is right about the drawing. Also the other inputs are probably on track too. Soldiers are known for adapting something to fit their needs. I've been in units that adapted trademark symbols for unit nicknames. The Alaska unit I was in had permission from a well known cereal company to use the sugar bear. Another unit had permission to use Hallmark emblam with the unit nickname of "Haulmark". Chinook helicopter companies. Another had to change their name upon return from the south pacific to a more PC name "Freight Trains" from "Happy Hookers". Chinooks are referred to as "Hooks" for their capability of hauling loads under the helicopter.
JoeyM wrote:
So, just to summarize what we think we know so far:
the picture depicts someone (the ant) caught up in political wrangling between three parties. This person is probably in the US Army MEDDAC (Medical Department Activity), which of course would be part of the US Army Medical Command (see logo). The three parties making their life difficult are:
1) the Brass
2) the Headquarters Supply Company
3) Someone or something specific to Redstone Arsenal (red tape/regulations, perhaps)
Am I missing anything?
who does the one looking over the top of the hill in the rear represent?
4/8/13 3:37 p.m.
novaderrik wrote:
JoeyM wrote:
So, just to summarize what we think we know so far:
the picture depicts someone (the ant) caught up in political wrangling between three parties. This person is probably in the US Army MEDDAC (Medical Department Activity), which of course would be part of the US Army Medical Command (see logo). The three parties making their life difficult are:
1) the Brass
2) the Headquarters Supply Company
3) Someone or something specific to Redstone Arsenal (red tape/regulations, perhaps)
Am I missing anything?
who does the one looking over the top of the hill in the rear represent?
Just a guess: "And guess what boys? It's not getting any better. If we ever solve this, there's another crisis right around the corner."
I'm thinking I may throw it on ebay sometime, just to see if I get any more knowledge of who/what/why.
is Antiques Roadshow gonna be in your area any time soon? you could go in with some BS story about how you got it from a friend of a family member that was good friends with the BC guy.. then when they tell you it's not worth anything, you can act all heartbroken and get on tv..
In reply to novaderrik:
Lol, I don't think so, but that could be almost comedic if pulled off well. Unfortunately, I can't act.
I'd sent an email to John Hart Studios when I picked up the picture, and just received the following email from his daughter Patti:
"Hi Pete,
Unfortunately, that is not drawn by Johnny.
The strip they have drawn is an actual strip though.
If you are interested in a print of it, go here:
The date is 7-25-82.
Thanks for writing,
Ok, so unfortunately it's not an original, but that definitely dates it from a later period than we thought it might have been from. So - now to determine who was either stationed at Redstone(or directly involved with them) on or around 7/25/82 and what they drew it for.