12/21/18 8:50 p.m.
dculberson said:
In reply to 1kris06 :
Sure $10 isn’t a bunch of money once. But how often do you fill up? $10/wk would suck I think. I pay attention to what I spend though.

Roughly same distance between tanks. Small MPG difference only nets a $4 spread between filling both vehicles.
12/22/18 11:10 a.m.
In reply to 1kris06 :
What's the rounding on the cost per mile? .09 vs .11 makes the VW look 20% more expensive to drive (and gas is usually the most expensive part of a car).
Of note, my aforementioned xjr is about .20 dollars per mile. Ouch!
Regular is like $1.78 here and diesel is $2.89 
When regular was $2.30+ over the summer diesel was like $2.98 lmao
How about the narrowest spread? There was a mistake at my local Motomart yesterday: