12/12/16 8:48 a.m.
In reply to Huckleberry:
Ok. So citizens should not respond to traffic violations, but they should respond to extreme violence. How about breaking and entering?
Are you gonna publish a chart or a graph or something with instructions so we can all understand which laws you think we should respond to and which we should not? Help me out here, cause I wanna make sure I follow all your nonsensical societal rules.
SVreX wrote:
In reply to Huckleberry:
Ok. So citizens should not respond to traffic violations, but they should respond to extreme violence. How about breaking and entering?
Are you gonna publish a chart or a graph or something with instructions so we can all understand which laws you think we should respond to and which we should not? Help me out here, cause I wanna make sure I follow all your nonsensical societal rules.
Do you really not see the difference between reporting people for summary offenses that merely annoy you and intervening in a felonious act? Or, can you just never be wrong on the internet?
Either way... you would make one heck of an HOA code enforcer!
Now if you will excuse me - I have some illegal parking and speeding offenses to commit so I can collect a paycheck.
Simmer down or I will request that Margie begin the quarterly upgrade to the site that takes us offline for a day. 
I will admit to not having read page 2 of this thread, but I had a neighbor that I had an issue with that would idle his work truck, a big ole Peterbilt C&C line boring truck, for 50+ minutes in the morning before leaving for work in the winter... at 3:30am. It used to shake my windows, legitimately. It was obnoxiously loud.
I had enough one day and went over to his house with a 6-pack peace offering in hand after work and politely asked if there was anything he could do to help curb the situation, explained my perspective of having a newborn and needing some semblance of sleep whenever I could get it. He explained his situation of the truck needing to warm up and him not being able to go to work much later in the morning. We drank the beers and pondered solutions. He agreed to park his truck further down the driveway and around the back of his house to muffle sound a bit better, and I agreed to suck it up from there.
It wasn't perfect but it was better than nothing. No feelings were hurt in the process and we have a good friendship as a result. I think the general life rule applies here- Don't be an shiny happy person and your chances of finding a mutual resolution are exponentially increased.
Wow, this got out of hand. Congratulations.
I'm very much thinking along the same lines as Golfduke.
Lets not compare idling your car in a manner that may or may not be in line with the local code to child abduction and alley stabbery. If I'm traveling down the road at the speed limit and get passed by a speeder I don't have the right to do a pit maneuver on him either.
Do you guys remember the thread where that guy claimed he would point a gun at people who rolled through the stop sign in front of his house? This is starting to feel familiar to that. Lets keep the common sense working in our favor.
12/12/16 11:58 a.m.
I'm curious what the "clean modern diesel" it is that is being called out. My bosses both drive modern Duramax diesels and they are a bit loud, but super stinky. A few minutes idling in our shop and my eyes are burning and I feel sick.
So I can see people getting upset about the fumes more than the idea that it's wasting fuel.
In before patio'd!
I'm guilty of letting my diesel (7.3) idle in the mornings for a few minutes before I drive when it's cold out, and while getting fuel. It's loud enough that I have to shut it off to order at a drive through. Of course I don't take a crew cab dually through a drive through very often! For the gas vehicles, I will usually only idle for ~30 seconds or so before I turn it off. Unless you're sending exhaust into someone's windows/doors/vents I don't see how it's much concern of theirs.
I've also shut off vehicles in the drive through and pushed them forward instead of starting them again - mostly because it makes the girlfriend angry
I think that people who like trucks and diesel engines are of the opinion that a diesel sounds like this
and has this going on as well

but the rest of the world is of the opinion that they sound like a cement mixer full of cast iron skillets, discarded engine blocks and broken brake rotors and smells like the LaBrea tar pit mixed with cancer.

12/12/16 12:49 p.m.
In reply to golfduke:
The problem seems to be that these self appointed code enforcers dont approach people looking for a solution like you did, they want swift harsh punishment. I encounter a fairly steady stream of angry people that demand I do something for such offenses as eating on a bus, listing to headphones at what they feel is a too high volume, having strollers that take up too much space. When the bus driver doesn't take their complaint seriously they will go out of their way to find me to report the driver to me usually accompanied by a narrated cell video of the driver, customer ect.
I don't disagree with what you're saying. It's unfortunate- it seems as if society is just becoming a bunch of passive aggressive tattle-tales. Not throwing this out to anyone here, please don't get that idea- I'm not judging anyone or anything relevant to this thread at this point... but the general feeling I get from watching actions and interactions everywhere in my life is that people would rather create a E36 M3shorm out of a small issue, and do everything in their power save for, you know, actually talking to the person responsible for such preturbance to solve the problem.
It's my feeling that people don't want resolution any more than they simply want confrontation and attention. It's a feeling of privilege that some people have but do not deserve...
I'll share a pseudo-relevant story below-
I built an LS6 powered porsche 944 in my driveway at my house over the course of a summer. I do not live in an HOA, but it was a very cookie cutter development. You couldn't see my house from the road, but you could see 2 adjacent houses through the woods in the winter if the leaves were bare. I'll be honest- during the swap, my driveway was an explosion of parts, tools, and tarps.
I got home one night from work to find an 'anonymous' letter in my mailbox, demanding that I clean up the 'unsightly' mess on my property and that I was 'driving home values down in the neighborhood'. I was angry as hell, especially because I knew precisely who wrote the letter, and that they didn't have the gall to actually knock on my door and talk to me in person about their issues. I marched down the street to the person's home and knocked on the door, and asked flatly if they wanted to talk about the contents of their letter and find a solution. She was floored that I actually 'confronted' her, informed me that I was trespassing on her property and threatened to call the police if I didn't leave immediately. I simply wanted to address her issues and explain my platform that all would be clean within a month or so... She went nutty and refused to actually try to remedy the issue. At that point, I was done trying, and made sure to leave my yard unkempt that entire summer. I didn't mow my lawn a single time, I left bright blue tarps out everywhere, and I made sure that the first smoky burnout in the newly built car was positioned perfectly in front of her house. All of which could have been prevented if she just simply wanted to fix the problem by talking in person.
In reply to golfduke:
She just Couldn't Understand Normal Thinking.
12/13/16 12:56 p.m.
Jumper K. Balls wrote:
Something tells me your truck is louder and stinkier than you realize.
A Cummins churning away at idle can be a really unpleasant thing to be around. With a DPF delete they are an eye watering scourge
I didn't realize how eye-wateringly heinous my RX-7 was to be around when it was idling until I stepped away from it for a few months.
12/13/16 1:33 p.m.
Same thing I always do when asked to do something that I was not predisposed to be doing:
"I will take that under advisement, thank you"
And roll the window back up. And who knows, after due deliberation, I might agree with the though. Or not.
EastCoastMojo wrote:
Simmer down or I will request that Margie begin the quarterly upgrade to the site that takes us offline for a day.
I get nervous trying to tell someone in traffic they have a brake light out, too easy to get knuckled up.
Unrelated patio photo @ GRM World Headquarters.

golfduke wrote:
At that point, I was done trying, and made sure to leave my yard unkempt that entire summer. I didn't mow my lawn a single time, I left bright blue tarps out everywhere, and I made sure that the first smoky burnout in the newly built car was positioned perfectly in front of her house. All of which could have been prevented if she just simply wanted to fix the problem by talking in person.
I totally get your initial position: talk it out and try and fix it like civilized people. But why revert to going out of your way to piss off someone (and likely others) when that didn't work?
Thanks all for the super-enlightening, absolutely entertaining spectacle. I sure learned a bunch from it, and definitely think you're extra smart and strong and wonderful because you turned into immediate shiny happy people in a discussion about something that doesn't even concern you. I am now locking this thread because I want it to sink to the bottom of the ocean.