So, I was looking around the garage and noticed the number of compressed gas cylinders I have.
Air compressor tank - 135psi
Oxygen - 5lb
Acetylene - 5lb
Propane - 20lbs and multiple handheld
CO2 - 10lb
What's sitting in yours and do you have them secured in anyway?
Ian F
5/28/13 1:56 p.m.
Mental note: when new shed is built, all of my 1 lb propane tanks for my camp stove get moved...
I want an oxy-acetylene set some day... that'll get stored out there as well when I'm not using it (realistically - most of the time)...
5/28/13 2:15 p.m.
- Air compressor
- Argon
- Argon/CO2
- CO2 (kegerator)
- Two small propane torch tanks
CO2 is secured in the kegerator, Argon and Argon/CO2 mix are in the welding cart. I think I'd like to do something to make the compressor more stable; right now it's on its own three feet and moderately squishy vibration damping feet. As was suggested in another thread, I think I'll build a replacement for its original shipping crate. Or maybe I'll just add a barrier around it tied to the wall and/or nearby post so it can't readily wander off or tip over. Not that it readily can now, I'd just like it to be a bit more secure.
2 5LB Fire extinguishers, 2 small propane bottles, 1 BBQ tank, 1 compressed air tank (usually empty). Various aerosols.
Define secured. Theft prevention or keeping them from falling over?
In the garage:
- 60 gallon compressor
- 20# C02 extinguisher
80 size nitrogen
80 size argon
80 size argon/C02 mix
60 size oxygen
- B size acetylene
20 size C02
- Some 5# dry chemical extinguishers
- 100# LP
- A few BBQ tanks LP
The extinguishers are free-standing mostly. Argon is capped and standing next to metal racking. Argon and C02 mix live on the carts of welders, oxygen and acetylene are on their cart. C02 is on a shelf. Big propane tank is in the farthest shed for the summer, the small ones live in the yard equipment shed, or near it.
If there's ever a big fire, the FD will let it burn after they look at it w/ their FLIR gogles.
30 Gal air compressor.
20 Gal low pressure air compressor.
5 Gal air compressor.
5 20# Propane tanks.
Probably a dozen small propane tanks.
I try to keep it to a minimum and even drain the airtank on the compressor when I am finished with it.
Only one welding tank, 3 fire extinguishers, and a few dozen cans of spray paint/penetrating oil and such. I figure if there's a fire, the ammo going off is going to keep the Fire Dept away until there's nothing left but a smoldering pile. 
Maybe I need to review my insurance coverage and make sure that it includes replacement cost instead of replacement value...
5/28/13 5:05 p.m.
one big shielding gas
one propane for BBQ
one propane for torch
two mapp gas torches
three oxygen (burglar bottle sized)
two acetylene (burglar bottle sized)
three fire extinguishers
JoeyM wrote:
one big shielding gas
one propane for BBQ
one propane for torch
two mapp gas torches
three oxygen (burglar bottle sized)
two acetylene (burglar bottle sized)
three fire extinguishers
Oops, I completely forgot the two propane cylinders for the gas grill. Although one is empty...
In house 1 Fire extinguisher, On deck by charcoal grill 1 Fire extinguisher, Under deck another Fire extinguisher, In the garage one hand held propane torch, 15gal Air compressor (usually drained), and 4 fire extinguishers. Out in the service truck hand held torch and 10gal air compressor. No welding gas or gas grills as my welder in stick.
5/28/13 6:40 p.m.
I had Tai food and was working in the garage, so I have all the same stuff as grtechguy, plus a colon that seems to have the same quantity as my BBQ propane tanks.
I didn't count fire extinguishers I figured the chance of them exploding was minimal compared to a 20# propane tank.
One in the truck, four in the shop, one in the garage, one in the kitchen, one in the enclosed trailer.
O2 tank.
Acetylene tank.
2 Halon fire extinguishers.
Tank of 50/50 mix for the MIG.
CO2 tanks for airing up tires at the track.
30gallon compressor.
You guys do realise that pressurised gas cylinders are perfectly safe as long as they're chained up and capped, right?
Trans_Maro wrote:
You guys do realise that pressurised gas cylinders are perfectly safe as long as they're chained up and capped, right?
You underestimate children. That and smaller tanks don't have caps.
Trans_Maro wrote:
You guys do realise that pressurised gas cylinders are perfectly safe as long as they're chained up and capped, right?
But what about earthquakes (realistically possible in some parts of the country), forest fires (realistically possible almost everywhere), crazy pets or rabid animals (again realistically possible in most locales), tripping garage monkey juming around when burned while welding, and stumbling drunks (no explanation required). And then there's the unlikely events like zombie apocalypse.
Plus many more possible scenarios that I'm too lazy to type out...
5/28/13 8:11 p.m.
Secretariata wrote:
Trans_Maro wrote:
You guys do realise that pressurised gas cylinders are perfectly safe as long as they're chained up and capped, right?
But what about earthquakes (realistically possible in some parts of the country), forest fires (realistically possible almost everywhere), crazy pets or rabid animals (again realistically possible in most locales), tripping garage monkey juming around when burned while welding, and stumbling drunks (no explanation required). And then there's the unlikely events like zombie apocalypse.
Plus many more possible scenarios that I'm too lazy to type out...
Are you taking up knitting as a hobby?
If not, you probably will need a heat wrench and a metallic hot glue gun. EVERYONE should have an unburninator or two around.
I use a variety of different gases all the time. Just keep them secured upright somehow and make sure that you keep them capped when not in use, especially when moving them.
5/28/13 9:15 p.m.
3 fire extinguishers, 2 propane torches, a case of brake cleaner, and three cans of Redi Whip
5/28/13 11:30 p.m.
I'll see your Redi-whip and raise you two cans of Pam.
In the garage I've got WD-40, Liquid Wrench, carb cleaner, brake parts cleaner, engine cleaner, and several assorted cans of spray paint. And the obligatory can of Super 77, and I've picked the wrong week to stop sniffing it.
I used to be involved in the Installation andanufacture of compressed gas fre suppression systems. I've seen some crazy things, sometimes leading up to death.
Just be safe out there and you'll be fine. We had a site in India where the install contractors thought securing cylinders and putting caps on were optional. An electrician knocked one cylinder off the stack while carrying a long ladder. Fast forward 30 seconds and all the bi cylinders had discharged and shot all over tr place like torpedoes. 2 guys lost their lives.
5/29/13 7:08 a.m.
BAMF wrote:
I'll see your Redi-whip and raise you two cans of Pam.
In the garage I've got WD-40, Liquid Wrench, carb cleaner, brake parts cleaner, engine cleaner, and several assorted cans of spray paint.
Yeah, same here....primer, etching primer, engine enamel, normal spray paint.....lots of rattle cans