This thing's squeaking like a baby baby bird with a megaphone on rapid fire. What can I do to make it quiet until I can pick up new U-joints this weekend?
Note that the U-joints are currently caked in dirt.
This thing's squeaking like a baby baby bird with a megaphone on rapid fire. What can I do to make it quiet until I can pick up new U-joints this weekend?
Note that the U-joints are currently caked in dirt.
Guess I could try cleaning them with WD-40 and then smearing on some grease...I have high-temp brake grease and lithium grease, I guess I should use the brake grease?
Oh and if anyone has any ideas for ghetto u-joint boots, that would be great too.
If they are making that much noise, there is likely little left of them. The u-joints I have seen that squeaked were trashed! (as in, amazing they held together).
Grease is your only option... drive slowly...
Holy crap! Good thing I checked that out! There's about a centimeter of play in one of the U-joints! I'll just prep the AE92 for tomorrow. Thanks for the help everyone.
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