I made the mistake of installing the updates on both my laptop and phone, now they are both dead. The phone permanently, the laptop would probably work again if I replaced the hard drive or removed and reformatted the one that's in it, but without doing that its also not useable.
Something's seriously wrong there, especially with the phone. Does MS have one of those wannabe Apple stores near you?
wow.. something wrong there. I know a lot of people who upgraded with no issues. How you bricked both devices I do not know
12/20/14 10:55 a.m.
Don't know anything about Windows phones but all of our computers are W8.1 now. My desktop and the wife's laptop came with W8 and I updated them to 8.1. My 10 year old Dell desktop running XP was moved to the basement and I installed 8.1 on it. Process was very easy and it runs just fine.
The phone still sorta works, it was fine for a week or so then the power/lock button started working inconsistently, the screen will sometimes freeze, and some of the apps (web browser especially) crash constantly. The computer had been working fine except for the internet connection being extremely slow (I don't know why), but I downloaded the update and it tried to install it, but it just said "getting windows ready" for a day or so, then "please wait" and never did anything after that. I eventually tried turning it off and back on again to see if it would do anything, but now it wont even do anything at all, even boot to a Linux iso on a cd.
If your computer won't boot to Linux from a CD, I don't think windows 8.1 is the problem.
12/20/14 2:56 p.m.
Hal wrote:
My 10 year old Dell desktop running XP was moved to the basement and I installed 8.1 on it.
Why in the world would you do that?
I mean, I can sort of see wanting to have everything running the same OS if possible, but XP is rock stable (heh. I remember 2001 when it wasn't) and a ten year old computer is probably not going to be running newer programs very well.
12/20/14 3:29 p.m.
peabody wrote:
I hate Windows 8
Windows 8 and the retarded metro screen is the best thing to ever happen to Apple. Seriously, what the berkeley was MS thinking when they created that GUI?
Works flawlessly for me so...
NOHOME wrote:
peabody wrote:
I hate Windows 8
Windows 8 and the retarded metro screen is the best thing to ever happen to Apple. Seriously, what the berkeley was MS thinking when they created that GUI?
Execs: "Look at all the money Apple is making with it's easy to use big button interface. I bet we can too!"
The marketing guys "Hey we can make a unified system with tablets so there's only one OS that we need to update. It'll be great."
Programmers and any technologically literate individual: "This is garbage and no one with a clue (or degree) in human factors was consulted."
I will say this, Windows 10 (yes, Win10 is the next version) goes back to a more traditional start menu.
But, it combines part of the Metro interface to the start menu is a very customizable way.
Windows 8/8.1? I've been running since beta and find it just a stable as XP, Assuming newer hardware.
ProDarwin wrote:
If your computer won't boot to Linux from a CD, I don't think windows 8.1 is the problem.
Its certainly possible that the hard drive failed as a coincidence at the same time as the upgrade, I am not sure. If you turn it on, it immediately shows the manufacturers logo screen like it would normally show after the normal self test when you first turn a computer on, then go to the same "please wait" screen.
I dislike windows 8 from a user stand point, windows 8.1 a little less. But both were easy to install and set up on the computers I've done it on. I agree with the above comments that something else seems to be wrong.
12/20/14 5:55 p.m.
Knurled wrote:
Hal wrote:
My 10 year old Dell desktop running XP was moved to the basement and I installed 8.1 on it.
Why in the world would you do that?
I mean, I can sort of see wanting to have everything running the same OS if possible, but XP is rock stable (heh. I remember 2001 when it wasn't) and a ten year old computer is probably not going to be running newer programs very well.
I wanted the same OS and desktop on all of them so the wife wouldn't get confused. We use it to check the junk e-mail accounts we have set up. Sometimes I use Google to look something up when I am working in the shop.
I will move from 7 when 10 proves it is a decent system. So what happened to 9?
mad_machine wrote:
I will move from 7 when 10 proves it is a decent system. So what happened to 9?
The rumor (most likely from what I've read) is that some of the coding was pretty sloppy by a bunch of third party developers during the Windows 95/98 era. So many of the code calls use "version.startswith("windows 9") to attempt to identify the OS. Apparently that's still acceptable to use today....
It could be that 9 is unlucky in Japan. Which is also possible.
Here's a decent writeup about the theories
Travis_K wrote:
The phone still sorta works, it was fine for a week or so then the power/lock button started working inconsistently, the screen will sometimes freeze, and some of the apps (web browser especially) crash constantly. The computer had been working fine except for the internet connection being extremely slow (I don't know why), but I downloaded the update and it tried to install it, but it just said "getting windows ready" for a day or so, then "please wait" and never did anything after that. I eventually tried turning it off and back on again to see if it would do anything, but now it wont even do anything at all, even boot to a Linux iso on a cd.
the factory installed Microsoft web browser crashes on a regular basis?
sounds about right..
Just checked back, yeah if the computer won't boot from a Linux CD it's more than a software problem or even a hard drive problem...
The0retical wrote:
mad_machine wrote:
I will move from 7 when 10 proves it is a decent system. So what happened to 9?
The rumor (most likely from what I've read) is that some of the coding was pretty sloppy by a bunch of third party developers during the Windows 95/98 era. So many of the code calls use "version.startswith("windows 9") to attempt to identify the OS. Apparently that's still acceptable to use today....
It's the first one. You can ask windows "Hey what version are you" or you can ask it "Hey what's the name of your version."? One returns a number (the named ones still have version numbers). One returns the text. (No idea why the second one is even an option)
A smart and competent programmer uses the former, a hack uses the latter. The last thing MS needs is windows 10 coming out and proceeding to have tons of poorly written software try to revert various settings to things appropriate for windows 95/98. 8's a bad enough bomb for them as it is, if 9 comes out and FUBARs tons of existing programs, that would be two disastrous releases in a row.
Personally, I'd still go with 9, but make sue the string returned wouldnt' be caught by things looking for "Windows 9*". If you must keep that functionality fully intact, make it return something like "Windows Nine" if you have to.
I've got an indirect connection (via a fellow software developer who worked in that part of the country for years and knows quite a few MS guys) to a few people actively involved in developing windows 10 and they've confirmed this is the issue.
I got a windows based phone and really like it. That said I would not want it on a PC.
8 is garbage and ive started buying crapple products bc of it. i still have a w7 gaming machine and win 7 machine im using as a "cloud." recently purchased a nexus 7 and loaded kali linux on it.
im sure the phone and pc issues are different id see about getting a replacement if you still ave a warranty. the pc...fotune article covered it. Might need to take it to geek squad (sarcasm)
and those complaining about upgrading from xp....You are mitigating a huge security vulnerability by upgrading the OS. XP is great but I wouldn't store one bit of personal information on it.
GameboyRMH wrote:
Just checked back, yeah if the computer won't boot from a Linux CD it's more than a software problem or even a hard drive problem...
So I finally figured out how to access the bios settings, and its actually not that it wont boot from the cd, I just don't know how to do it, because its only set to boot from the internal hard drive and that's it. So I am going to stick with blaming windows 8.1 being responsible for having to junk a $1200 laptop that's less than 2.5 years old.