1/13/11 7:40 p.m.
Hasbro wrote:
Everybody whining about snow. Well, I was very concerned last week that my citrus trees would get some frost burn. They are fine, however, and they are sagging with fruit. Phew!!!
Although my summer annuals bit the bullet...
I don't want to talk to you no more, you empty headed animal food trough wiper! I fart in your general direction. Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries.
Yeah, Chucktown shut down pretty quick on Monday when the big bridges were covered in black ice. I made it through about 30 minutes before that happened.
Supplier of mine in the Big Peach said it snowed like hell (at least by Southern standards) Sunday and Monday, then Monday afternoon they got sleet and freezing rain then that night it got way below freezing. That ain't snow. That stuff turns into a layer of what looks like wax, you can't even walk on it let alone drive. He was finally able to get to work Thursday morning.
After 4 days the schools and courts are still closed and the subdivision roads are entertaining. It is not getting warm enough during the day to really melt the slush and then it refreezes every nite. The schools have all used up their snow days and no income has about get to me too.
This morning's commute: 2hrs 7minutes. Cancelled busses: 1. White-knuckle driving moments: 4. Near-misses: 1. U-turns because of ice: 3. Tows from friendly strangers: 1. Lesson learned: STAY HOME.
Summer tire fail.
I need to put my LSD in my 240 already.
I'm in columbus and haven't even gotten that much snow. Almost sounds like the end of the world. I'm ready to have some real winter time fun with a stock height 240sx with traction.
1/14/11 12:40 a.m.
Curmudgeon wrote:
Supplier of mine in the Big Peach said it snowed like hell (at least by Southern standards) Sunday and Monday, then Monday afternoon they got sleet and freezing rain then that night it got way below freezing. That ain't snow. That stuff turns into a layer of what looks like wax, you can't even walk on it let alone drive. He was finally able to get to work Thursday morning.
It's all true.
At 8:15PM Sunday night - nothing. At 10:30PM, over 2" and still falling. Measurements (at my house) showed 6" before the freezing rain hit. After the hard stuff fell, the extra weight pushed the snow down to 5", but it had a really nice polished finish to it.
Everything but the roads still has a nice white reflective coating. It's those shiny patches on the streets that still confound the idiots.
Hasbro wrote:
Everybody whining about snow. Well, I was very concerned last week that my citrus trees would get some frost burn. They are fine, however, and they are sagging with fruit. Phew!!!
Although my summer annuals bit the bullet...
That would all be awesome if it didn't involve living in Arizona. See also: Florida.
Got to work thursday, 40 miles one way= 2.5 hours and much slipping on ice. The trip home wasnt as slipery but was wet and took 3 hours. That means ice in the AM.
Friday I am at home. lesson learned. Projected high of 40 Deg. F. I will try again Saturday. Should also be fewer idiots on the roads.
All is said and done we have around 1 foot of snow.
Snapped my first sheer pin of the season this morning and when I went to get more the shop had finished fixing my old MTD snow blower and it is now for sale, after 2 years. Talked to one of the guys about it and the asking price is $695, that is what they put into it in parts alone. No wonder they told us it wasn't worth fixing.
1/16/11 2:04 a.m.
A little snow really does screw you guys all up down there doesn't it.
WTF ..... looked like one side of the truck just collapsed
1/16/11 7:53 a.m.
It was the top of an underground garage, the truck fell through it.
Making myself this next year: take tires, insert screws, plug up screws with goo, install new winter tread on vehicle, proceed with looking at people stuck as i power thru the ice like a boss...
Look on the bright side... as of midnight tonight there are only 61 days until the 1st day of spring !
(Woof..., that's a tough sell)
1/16/11 11:55 p.m.
It snowed here in San Diego.....once in 1948. Today however it was sunny. About 85 degrees and blue skies.
1/17/11 11:21 a.m.
There is still snow on the ground from last Monday. Snow is not all that rare here in southtown, but it doesn't usually stick around for a week.
Chebbie_SB wrote:
Look on the bright side... as of midnight tonight there are only 61 days until the 1st day of spring !
(Woof..., that's a tough sell)
All that does is induce panic in my garage. My car is in pieces and it needs to be at NJMP in April. GAAAAAH!
Negative 4 or so this morning in Upstate NY ..... Me no likey !
1/17/11 12:29 p.m.
4cylndrfury wrote:
holy crap, it snows accords in RI!!
That's actually a 2000 Civic sedan, though.